Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Definition of Reasonable Causality

因果關係係定義為若因則果,若且唯若,因之集合包含於果之集合。 A causality is defined, if and only if, a kind of causes results in a kind of effects, if and only if, the set of the effects is included in the set of the effects.
因果機率係定義為因之集合與果之集合之交集之基數除以因之集合之基數。 A causal probability is defined by the ratio of the cardinal number of the intersection of the set of the causes and the set of effects to the cardinal number of the set of the causes.
相當因果關係係定義為因之集合部分包含於果之集合而其因果機率超過相當閥值者。 A reasonable causality is defined, if and only if, the set of the effects is partially included in the set of the effects with a causal probability that exceeds a reasonable threshold.


Options for Equality

假如一高樓的一樓層沒有中央空調,為了調節其氣溫,可以採取: For a floor without central air-conditioning in a tall building, in order to adjust its temperature, we may take:
Option 1:
adding a plug-in air-conditioning. It saves labor and money, but said floor becomes ugly and subject to unequal discrimination.
Option 2:
destroying and rebuilding implicated pipelines on said floor and the implicated floors. It spends much labor and money, but said floor remains beautiful and equally merged in all floors.


The Metahypotheses is a Continuum between Structuralism and Deconstruction

結構主義是對於結構之分解,即化整為零。 Structuralism is the decomposition of the structure, with which a thing is observed as parts rather than a whole.
解構主義是對於結構主義之分解,即化零為整。 Deconstruction is the decomposition of structuralism, with which a thing is observed as a whole rather than parts.
後設猜想總是先解構主義式地為一個現象賦予一個名詞,再結構主義式地為那個名詞賦予一個解釋。 The Metahypotheses always deconstructively gives a noun to a phenomenon at first, and then structurally gives an explanation to that noun.


The Definition of Solitude

孤獨是指存在性與世界上不存在性之交集。 Solitude means the intersection of existence and the worldly non-existence.
客觀上孤獨是指身於世界之外者。 Objective solitude means the situation where one's body is outside the world.
主觀上孤獨是指心於世界之外者。 Subjective solitude means the situation where one's heart is outside the world.
事實上孤獨是指因自然而處於世界之外者。 Factual solitude means the situation where one is outside the world because of nature.
法律上孤獨是指因人文而處於世界之外者。 Legal solitude means the situation where one is outside the world because of humanity.


The Author is in a State Containing Superposition of Death and Survival

羅蘭‧巴特說:「作者已死」。 Roland Barthes pointed out "the Death of the Author".
他的意思是,作品在完成後,就不是依照作者的意思作解釋。 He meant that, the text is not to be explained by the author after it is done.
但請注意,「作者已死」這句話也是作品。 However, please note that, the term "the Death of the Author" is also a text.
故,「作者已死」這句話不是那樣解釋。 Therefore, the term "the Death of the Author" is not to be explained in that way.
故,作者沒死。 Therefore, the auther is survived.
故,「作者已死」這句話就是那樣解釋。 Therefore, the term "the Death of the Author" is to be explained in that way.
故,作者已死,回到原點。 Therefore, the auther is dead, again.
故,矛盾。 Therefore, it leads to a contradiction.
故,「作者已死」是哥德爾不完備定理所謂的不確定命題。 Therefore, "the Death of the Author" is a undetermined thesis as introduced in Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
故,作者處於已死與沒死的疊加狀態。 Therefore, the author is in a state containing superposition of death and survival.


Life as the Cantor Set

恆知過去、現在、未來,而不知過去之何以成現在,現在之何以成未來,如是人生即雖完備而無處稠密,巨觀之空虛,委如康托爾集。 For a person always knowing past, present and future but knowing neither how past became present nor how present becomes future, his life is complete but nowhere dense, appearing to be macroscopically empty, as the Cantor set.


Shall Not Produce Things to Replaces Humanity in the End

康德所提出的絕對命令的第二形式表明:應以人作為最終目的而行動。 Immanuel Kant declared in the second formulation of the categorical imperative that: we shall act in such a way that we treat humanity as an end.
然而,在唯物主義盛行的今日,人們隨波逐流,想方設法地製造最終[1]「取代人」的東西。人們背離康德的結果,已帶來嚴重危險。 However, nowadays with widespread Materialism, most people drift with the tide and endeavor to produce things "to replace humanity" in the end[1]. This violates Kant's categorical imperative and brings about serious danger.
所幸,後設猜想認為,一旦人全部被取代,則絕對命令的那個「人」字亦可被取代,而全新命題即將誕生。 Optimistically, the Metahypotheses predicts that, once all humanity has been replaced, a brand new thesis can be made by replacing the word "humanity" in the categorical imperative.


[1] 請注意,「最終」二字,是指一人被取代,而無他人替補的情況而言。 Note that "in the end" means the case that no person fills the vacancy after a person is replaced.


The Metahypotheses is the Mixture of Arrogance and Modesty

「後設」二字,是狂妄地意圖以全知觀點觀察及描述一切現象;而「猜想」二字,則是謙遜地留有以其他觀點觀察及描述一切現象之餘地。故後設猜想,就字面而言,是狂妄與謙遜之調和。 Hence, The Metahypotheses is literally the mixture of arrogance and modesty


A Common Situation in the Metahypotheses

後設猜想喜歡營造出下列情境,就是你屬於要麼情況A、要麼情況B、要麼情況C等,而這些有限列舉的情況涵蓋所有可能性,使得你客觀上不能、主觀上也不想去否認這樣的歸類。 The Metahypotheses likes to declare a situation that you are limited to one of the case A, the case B, the case C, and so on, wherein the countable cases cover all possibilities, so that you objectively cannot and subjectively do not want to deny such classification.
藉此,後設猜想將一個議題定案,然後尋找下一個議題故技重施。 In this way, the Metahypotheses gives a conclusion to an issue, and then it searches for a next issue to play the same trick.


Using Bopomofo in a Sentence

注音文很幼稚,乃是社會通念,所以過去我也忌諱使用注音文。 Using bopomofo in a sentence is commonly deemed an immature behavior, so I avoided doing so.
不過,自從追蹤幹幹貓的粉絲專頁,我發現注音文既方便又有趣,於是乎,像是彌補過去的缺憾般,瘋狂使用它。 However, since I followed Fuck Fuck Cat's fan page, I found using bopomofo in a sentence convenient and interesting, so I begin to use it frequently, as if I wanted to make up for my lost part in the past.


A Specification of Civic Consciousness

公民覺醒,須事實上且法律上覺醒,始堪稱之。 Civic consciousness must be built on factual and legal bases.
主張事實上不能實現之法律,或認同法律上不能允許之事實者,皆不能謂已公民覺醒。 A person who claims a law that is factually impracticable, or approves a fact that is legally impermissible, is not deemed having civic consciousness.


Proper Attitude to Examine the Inventive Step

審查發明專利的新穎性,是觀察先前技術的「單一」實施例是否揭露該發明的全部特徵。這種觀察是很客觀的。 To examine the novelty of an invention patent is to observe whether a "single" embodiment of prior art discloses all features of the invention. Such observation is objective.
審查發明專利的進步性,是揣摩先前技術的「複數」實施例的結合是否完成該發明的全部特徵及全部功效。這種揣摩是很主觀的。 To examine the inventive step of an invention patent is to imagine whether a combination of "plural" embodiments of prior art discloses all features and all effects of the invention. Such imagination is subjective.
我們知道,任何主觀的論述都見仁見智,不可能完全服人。因此,無論怎麼修正進步性的審查基準,意圖讓審查看起來很有原則,終究是徒勞無功的。 We know that, every subjective discussion is debatable, and is impossible to persuade everyone. Therefore, it will be eventually futile to amend the examination guideline of the inventive step to make a principled examination.
科學技術人員應該自豪於實事求是的態度,強調客觀的觀察,避免主觀的揣摩。因此,專利審查品質,以可否檢索出「單一」的準確引證文件為斷。 A scientific technical person shall be proud of his down-to-earth attitude, emphasizing objective observation, avoiding subjective imagination. Therefore, the patent examination quality is determined by the ability to search out a "single" accurate cited document.



誰皆結果論者,惟不過以何為事物之結果,例如客觀或主觀結果,或固有或後設結果。 Everyone must be a Consequentialism follower. However, people may define a result of a thing in different ways. A result may be an objective result or a subjective result, or an intrinsic result or a meta-result.
過程論者,即後設結果論者。 A Proceduralism follower is a Meta-Consequentialism follower.


The Equity is Objectively Existent but Subjectively Inexistent

客觀上,只要存在分類規則,即可實現平等。 Objectively, if there are classification rules, the equity can be realized.
可是,人們不完備的內心的尺總是飄忽不定,對於客觀上已實現的平等,主觀上還是覺得不平等,而意圖變更分類規則。 However, humans always subjectively disagree the objectively realized equity, and intend to change the classification rules, because of their variable measurement in their defective hearts.
人們不完備的內心所產生的這種爭議,無解。 There is no solution for such issue induced by human's defective hearts.


Separability and inseparability between dream and career

為非夢想之職業而夢想即不可實現者,以夢想為職業。但以夢想為職業而夢想更不可實現者,不在此限。 If a person cannot realize his dream when he has a career other than his dream, he shall persue his dream as his career, except that it is even more impossible to realize his dream when he pursues his dream as his career.
為非夢想之職業而夢想非不可實現者,得為該職業;其更可實現夢想者,應為之。 If a person can realize his dream when he has a career other than his dream, he may has such career; if such career can promote his dream, he shall has such career.


Impossibility of Omnipotent Government

事實上,物資有限,而法律上,人心有私,致大有為政府無論在事實上或法律上皆不可能,故求為小有為政府即可。 Factually, the natural resources are limited, and legally, the human hearts are selfish, so that an omnipotent government is factually and legally impossible, and therefore we just pursue a practical government.


Genuine Incomprehensibility and Non-genuine Incomprehensibility

純正不可理喻,又稱為絕對不可理喻,係指主體理喻客體之不可理喻而言。 Genuine incomprehensibility, also called absolute incomprehensibility, means the object's incomprehensibility comprehended by the subject.
不純正不可理喻,又稱為相對不可理喻,係指主體不理喻客體之可理喻而言。 Non-genuine incomprehensibility, also called relative incomprehensibility, means the object's comprehensibility not comprehended by the subject.
後設猜想,不屬於純正不可理喻。 The Metahyphotheses is not genuinely incomprehensible.


Prejudicial Effect

確定力是將不確定的事物確定下來的效力。 A prejudicial effect is an effect which makes an undetermined matter determined.
對於物理事物而言,它是透過觀察提供的。 For a physical matter, it is caused by observation.
對於精神事物而言,它是透過表達提供的。 For a metal matter, it is caused by expression.
事物一旦確定就不可再爭執。但經由特別程序撤銷它的確定力的情形,不在此限。 A matter with a prejudicial effect is indisputable, except that the prejudicial effect thereof is revoked by a special procedure.


Distinction of Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction

敘述現實所不可能之遭遇,而以科學解釋者,為科幻小說。A science fiction tells a story that is impossible in reality and explains it with science.
敘述現實所不可能之遭遇,而以魔法解釋者,為奇幻小說。A fantasy fiction tells a story that is impossible in reality and explains it with magic.


Classical Conservatism


Classical Conservatism aims to maintain the dynamic order of a system. The term "classical" means to discuss according to logical positivism, and the term "conservatism" means to discuss according to law of conservation.
  1. 無邏輯者。
  2. 不實證者。
  3. 無系統者。
  4. 不守恆者。
  5. 衝動。
  6. 空想。
Accordingly, the following opinions shall be rejected:
  1. that which is non-logic.
  2. that which lacks positivism.
  3. that which is non-systemic.
  4. that which violates conservation.
  5. an impulse.
  6. a fantasy.


Van-der-Waals-Force Person

非有緣至若化學鍵之婚姻以至於若氫鍵之友誼,亦非無緣至若無作用力之隱遁,而若即若離,縱橫人間者,即凡得瓦力人之謂。 The person who is neither affiliated by a chemical-bond-like marriage down to a hydrogen-bond-like friendship, nor alienated by a force-free-like reclusion, flitting around the world, is called a van-der-Waals-force person.


Limitation of Legitimate Expectation

有鑑於全民利益守恆,信賴保護於財產給付行為不適用之,乃當然之見解。 In view of conservation of entire interest, it is a trivial opinion that legitimate expectation is not applicable to national behavior with respect to payment of property.
何人承受上開不利益,以〈資源分配之準則〉為依歸。 The issue of who should bear the damage is accorded to The Principle of Resource Distribution.


Reality of Postmodernism

缺陷、拼湊、歪曲、塗抹之組合,合乎狂暴、憂鬱、錯亂、虛空之一者,即可謂後現代。 Any combination of defects, pieces, twists and patches in view of violence, melancholy, disorder or vacancy can be regarded as a work of Postmodernism.



時運偶不順而不虞生計,則一笑置之,可也。 We can just smile at our misfortunes when they sometimes come into our lives but do not ruin our livelihoods.
生不求恆順之時運,但求生計之不虞。 I do not expect fortune to last forever, but wish a sufficient livelihood.



知有同好,雖不知其人,已感欣慰。若知其人,則甚喜。 It is nice to know a fan as us, even if we have not been acquainted with him. If we can further be acquainted with him, it must be wonderful.


The Fake World

曾出於幻界而復困於幻界者,何如不知幻界之不真。 As compared to having been out of the fake world and trapped into it again, it is better not realizing the unreality of the fake world.
惟若未入於幻界,恆受真實之苦而無所希冀者,何如知有不真之幻界。 However, as compared to having never been into the fake world and suffered from the hopelessness of the reality, it is better realizing the fake world existed in the reality.


Criticizing a Slippery Slope Also Falling into a Slippery Slope

誇大之推論,看似極度不可能,難保絕對不發生。指摘該種推論為滑坡謬誤,無異於誇大該種推論之不可能,本身亦觸犯滑坡謬誤。 An exaggerated reasoning seems to be extremely impossible, but no one can guarantee that it will never happen. Criticizing such reasoning as a slippery slope is no more than exaggerating the impossibility of such reasoning, and also falls into a slipper slope.
是故,滑坡謬誤只可觀察,不可指謫。 Thus, a slippery slope is observable, not criticizable.


Thoughts Also Being Phenomena

人們總會有千奇百怪的想法。某些想法是不可理喻的,特別是喜好。 People always have strange thoughts, and some of the thoughts, especially about people's likes and dislikes, are incomprehensible.
我開始習慣不探索這些想法的成因了。我將它們當成是「現象」,同時,也以面對「現象」的方式處理它們。如此就不會深陷苦惱而無法自拔。 I get used to stop discovering the causes of the thoughts. I just regard them as "phenomena", and treat them as "phenomena", so I will not puzzle over them.
其實,我試圖體現《金剛經》。 In fact, I just try to realize the object of Diamond Sutra.


The Differentiated Treatment for Hidden Meaning in One's Words

無利害關係之人,倘無言外之意,毋庸腦補;縱有言外之意,亦可風逝,以求耳空心清。蓋所言之意已無所謂,何況言外之意矣。 Facing a non-interested person, if he has no hidden meaning in his words, we shall not presume it; even if he has a hidden meaning in his words, we may also let it go, so that we can keep peace and quiet. In fact, even his word is not considerable, not to mention a hidden meaning in his word.


Regretful Perfection

不完美之事物,以完美之觀點觀之,無何完美可得而見。 If people observe an imperfect thing in a perfect respect, they will not find any perfection from the thing, of course.
完美之事物,以不完美之觀點觀之,雖欲完美而不可得。 If people observe a perfect thing in an imperfect respect, they will not appreciate the thing for its perfection.
不完美之事物,以不完美之觀點觀之,更甚破爛。 If people observe an imperfect thing in an imperfect respect, they will assume that the thing has more defects than it does.
乃完美之事物,須以完美之觀點觀之,其完美始無缺憾。而此不可得也。 It shows that, only if people observe a perfect thing in a perfect respect will they admit the thing to be perfect. However, it is impossible for everyone to do so.
故事物以無限臻於完美為願。 Therefore, I only wish a thing will approach to perfection as close as possible.


Compliance with Classical Conservatism

物質之有限,臻於分明,則自由之無限,斷然不行,故用意執事,應循古典保守主義。 It is obvious that we have limited resource, so it is impractical that we allow unlimited freedom. Thus, we shall think and behave according to Classical Conservatism.


Self-Awareness about Criminal Policy

歐洲的監獄提供受刑人個人套房、廚房、健身房、電腦、電視、電動玩具等設備,受刑人享有高度「人權」。然而,歐洲的良民比受刑人過得更快活。因此,對於歐洲人,這樣的刑事政策是妥當的。 The European jails provide the prisoners with equipments such as private room, kitchen, gym, computer, television, video game, and so on. The prisoners obtain wonderful "human rights". However, the European good people have further better lives than the prisoners do. Thus, for Europeans, this kind of criminal policy is appropriate.
反觀亞洲,大部分人都過得忙碌及拮据,並將上述設備當成奢侈品。如果提供受刑人上述設備,無疑是價值顛倒。因此,歐洲的刑事政策在亞洲是不適用的。在國情改變以前勉強適用之,乃是不自量力。 In contrast, most of the Asians are busy and hard, and they regard the aforesaid equipments as luxuries. It is a value reversed that the prisoners are provided with the aforesaid equipments. Thus, the European criminal policy is not adapted in Asian. It may be a stupid decision to adapt it before the national conditions changes.