Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Left Wing Does Not Exist

假設左派是一種派別,那麼,它要麼是行動組織,要麼是思想脈絡。 If the left wing is a category, it is either an organization or an ideology.
但是,組織和脈絡都是右派的產物。這表示,左派的本質就是右派,左派一詞只是表象空殼。 However, either an organization or an ideology is a product of the right wing. This means that the essence of the left wing is the right wing, and the word "left wing" is just a shell with empty inside.
反之,假設左派不是一種派別,那麼,每個左派成員的行動思想彼此疏離而缺乏系統,也就是烏合之眾。 Alternatively, if the left wing is not a category, the left-wing members are just a motley crew with alien and unsystematic actions and thoughts.
因此,左派不存在。 Therefore, the left wing does not exist.
