康德所提出的絕對命令的第二形式表明:應以人作為最終目的而行動。 |
Immanuel Kant declared in the second formulation of the categorical imperative that: we shall act in such a way that we treat humanity as an end. |
然而,在唯物主義盛行的今日,人們隨波逐流,想方設法地製造最終[1]「取代人」的東西。人們背離康德的結果,已帶來嚴重危險。 |
However, nowadays with widespread Materialism, most people drift with the tide and endeavor to produce things "to replace humanity" in the end[1]. This violates Kant's categorical imperative and brings about serious danger. |
所幸,後設猜想認為,一旦人全部被取代,則絕對命令的那個「人」字亦可被取代,而全新命題即將誕生。 |
Optimistically, the Metahypotheses predicts that, once all humanity has been replaced, a brand new thesis can be made by replacing the word "humanity" in the categorical imperative. |