Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Natural Death Statement

茲聲明本人生命觀之絕對宗旨如次,俾利法律上判斷: Here I state my absolute principles for my life, for clarifying legal judgments, as follows:
§ 1
本人信仰佛教淨土宗,以自然老死為目標。 I believe in Pure Land Buddhism, and I will keep alive until natural death.
§ 2 I 本人在任何情況下均不自殺,不意圖自殺,不佯裝自殺。
I will never commit suicide, intend to suicide, or pretend to suicide under any conditions.

II 前項自殺,係指任何致使自我死亡之積極作為[1]。 The word "suicide" in the preceding paragraph means any active actions causing death to myself[1].
§ 3 I 本人在任何情況下均不自我傷害。 I will never commit a self-harm under any conditions.

II 前項自我傷害,係指任何致使自我患有物理上疾病之積極作為。但不包括:
  1. 以醫學治療為目的之用藥或手術。
  2. 符合自我調節功能及自我修復功能之日常生活。
The word "self-harm" in the preceding paragraph means any active actions causing physical diseases to myself. But it does not include:
  1. pharmacies or surgeries for medical therapies.
  2. daily activities under the self-adjustment function and the self-recovery function.

III 即使本人因治療失當或因生活不檢致死,非經調查不得排除他殺之可能。 Even if I dies as a result of an improper therapy or of an incautious activity, one shall not exclude the possibility of murder without investigation.


[1] 倘為謀生不擇手段,乃佛教所不許,故在非常情況下不得已之消極不作為,應非屬自我傷害。 Buddhism forbids me to survive unscrupulously, so the helplessly passive inactions under specific conditions shall not deem self-harms.