Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Proper Attitude to Examine the Inventive Step

審查發明專利的新穎性,是觀察先前技術的「單一」實施例是否揭露該發明的全部特徵。這種觀察是很客觀的。 To examine the novelty of an invention patent is to observe whether a "single" embodiment of prior art discloses all features of the invention. Such observation is objective.
審查發明專利的進步性,是揣摩先前技術的「複數」實施例的結合是否完成該發明的全部特徵及全部功效。這種揣摩是很主觀的。 To examine the inventive step of an invention patent is to imagine whether a combination of "plural" embodiments of prior art discloses all features and all effects of the invention. Such imagination is subjective.
我們知道,任何主觀的論述都見仁見智,不可能完全服人。因此,無論怎麼修正進步性的審查基準,意圖讓審查看起來很有原則,終究是徒勞無功的。 We know that, every subjective discussion is debatable, and is impossible to persuade everyone. Therefore, it will be eventually futile to amend the examination guideline of the inventive step to make a principled examination.
科學技術人員應該自豪於實事求是的態度,強調客觀的觀察,避免主觀的揣摩。因此,專利審查品質,以可否檢索出「單一」的準確引證文件為斷。 A scientific technical person shall be proud of his down-to-earth attitude, emphasizing objective observation, avoiding subjective imagination. Therefore, the patent examination quality is determined by the ability to search out a "single" accurate cited document.
