孤獨是指存在性與世界上不存在性之交集。 | Solitude means the intersection of existence and the worldly non-existence. |
客觀上孤獨是指身於世界之外者。 | Objective solitude means the situation where one's body is outside the world. |
主觀上孤獨是指心於世界之外者。 | Subjective solitude means the situation where one's heart is outside the world. |
事實上孤獨是指因自然而處於世界之外者。 | Factual solitude means the situation where one is outside the world because of nature. |
法律上孤獨是指因人文而處於世界之外者。 | Legal solitude means the situation where one is outside the world because of humanity. |