羅蘭‧巴特說:「作者已死」。 |
Roland Barthes pointed out "the Death of the Author". |
他的意思是,作品在完成後,就不是依照作者的意思作解釋。 |
He meant that, the text is not to be explained by the author after it is done. |
但請注意,「作者已死」這句話也是作品。 |
However, please note that, the term "the Death of the Author" is also a text. |
故,「作者已死」這句話不是那樣解釋。 |
Therefore, the term "the Death of the Author" is not to be explained in that way. |
故,作者沒死。 |
Therefore, the auther is survived. |
故,「作者已死」這句話就是那樣解釋。 |
Therefore, the term "the Death of the Author" is to be explained in that way. |
故,作者已死,回到原點。 |
Therefore, the auther is dead, again. |
故,矛盾。 |
Therefore, it leads to a contradiction. |
故,「作者已死」是哥德爾不完備定理所謂的不確定命題。 |
Therefore, "the Death of the Author" is a undetermined thesis as introduced in Gödel's incompleteness theorems. |
故,作者處於已死與沒死的疊加狀態。 |
Therefore, the author is in a state containing superposition of death and survival. |