Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Attitude to A New Thing

我不會在第一時間接受新事物。 I will not accept a new thing at the first moment.
除了比起舊事物具有顯著優越性之外,我不會接受新事物。[1] I will not accept a new thing except that it is distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing.[1]


[1] 第一句話和第二句話的範圍並不完全重疊。這兩者的交集是比起舊事物沒有顯著優越性的新事物被認識不超過第一時間者;而這兩者的聯集的補集是比起舊事物具有顯著優越性的新事物被認識超過第一時間者。 The scopes of the first statement and the second statement are not fully overlapped. The joint of the two is a new thing not distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing being recognized within the first moment. While, the complement of the union of the two is a new thing distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing being recognized over the first moment.


Evaluations of Left-wing and Right-wing

一個成功的左派人士,就是他最終成為了右派人士。 A left-wing follower is deemed a winner if he finally becomes a right-wing follower.
一個失敗的右派人士,就是他最終成為了左派人士。 A right-wing follower is deemed a loser if he finally becomes a left-wing follower.


Types of Problems

  1. 邏輯上問題,以形式證明解決之。
  2. 事實上問題,以科學知識解決之。
  3. 法律上問題,以政治實力解決之。
A problems must be composed of the following three types:
  1. Logical problems, which shall be solved by formal proof.
  2. Factual problems, which shall be solved by scientific knowledge.
  3. Legal problems, which shall be solved by political power.
問題非以上述方法,不可解決之。 A problems is impossible to be solved unless following the aforementioned ways.


The Principle of Resource Distribution

若將水全給大象,則小鼠會渴死;若將水均分給大象和小鼠,則大象會渴死;若水就這麼多,則兩者遲早都會渴死。 If the water is all distributed to the elephant, the mouse will be parched; if the water is equally distributed to the elephant and the mouse, the elephant will be parched, if the water is limited, the two will eventually be parched.
由此可見,資源分配極不平等,會扼殺多元性;資源分配極平等,亦會扼殺多元性。因此,資源分配,以恰可維持多元性為準;若有剩餘,以可良性循環者為先。 It is noted that, extremely unequal resource distribution kills the diversity, and extremely equal resource distribution also kills the diversity. Hence, the resource shall be distributed in the way that the diversity is exactly preserved; if there is remnant, one who brings a virtuous circle deserves the priority.
資源,係指事實上資源及法律上資源而言。 Resources are referred to factual resources and legal resources.


Reformation of Mandatory Death Penalty

唯一死刑,係指對於特定重罪,法院僅得判處死刑而言。 The mandatory death penalty means a court decision setting where judicial discretion is limited to death penalty.
對於唯一死刑,大法官解釋釋字第二六三號認為:「不分犯罪之情況及其結果如何,概以死刑為法定刑,立法甚嚴,有導致情法失平之虞,宜在立法上兼顧人民權利及刑事政策妥為檢討。」 Regarding the mandatory death penalty, Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 263 states that, "imposing a mandatory death penalty on those who commit such crimes regardless of their details and results is indeed very rigorous, and may create an imbalance between the legal system and the people's sense of justice."
為此,應廢除「唯一」死刑,轉而提供「多元」死刑,諸如槍決、注射或煤氣等人道死刑,以供法院依個案情況裁量選擇,俾保障人權、促進法治。 Accordingly, the mandatory death penalty shall be abolished, and there shall be provided with various death penalties by humanitarian methods such as shooting, lethal injection or coal gas chamber, for the court to choose therefrom based on the discretion in a specific case, in order to protect the human rights and promote the rule of law.


The Logical Impossibility of Anti-Discrimination

邏輯上,反歧視不許歧視者行歧視,致扭曲其本性,自亦不失為歧視,故反歧視不過以更強之歧視凌駕於上而已。 Anti-discrimination forbids a discriminator to conduct discrimination. However, logically, in view of distorting the nature the discriminator, anti-discrimination itself is also a kind of discrimination. In such aspect, anti-discrimination is just placing a kind of stronger discrimination over other discrimination.
可見消除歧視,必須自發,如強求他人,則歧視不滅。 Therefore, discrimination can only be eliminated spontaneously, and cannot be eliminated by compulsion.
又,反歧視之邏輯上不可能,與反歧視之現實上必要性,誠屬二事。 It is noted that, the logical impossibility of anti-discrimination does not deny the realistic necessity of anti-discrimination.


The Decision Priority

事理,以形式邏輯為斷;涉及事實者,以相當因果關係為斷;當事人得處分之事項,以其主觀為斷;其餘始得以民意為斷。 A decision shall be made based on formal logic; where it involves a factual issue, it shall be made based on sufficient causality; where it belongs to a purely private affair, it shall be made based on personal choice; only in the remaining situations, it may be made based on public opinion.


The Animation Your Name is Explained by the Hypothesis of Rewriting a Single Spacetime

Main text:
The animation Your Name is explained by the hypothesis of rewriting a single spacetime.
按等者等之,不等者不等之之平等原則,故事既不平等於現實而超自然穿越,如特意平等於現實而不容許超自然歷史改寫,以至於求諸平行時空干涉說,其邏輯即不一貫。 According to the Principles of Equality, where equal ones shall be treated equally, and unequal ones shall be treated unequally, since the story has been created unequally to the reality in view of its supernatural time travel, if we disagree that supernaturally rewriting of history may occur in the story, and turn to the hypothesis of interfering between parallel spacetimes on purpose to treat the story equally to the reality, our logic becomes inconsecutive.
次觀諸作者既恩賜觀眾以圓滿結局,如故事採平行時空干涉說解讀之,則其邂逅之人即非同一,兩人無異於離異而不圓滿,故按體系解釋,兩人應終究存在於單一時空,因時空改寫而圓滿。 Moreover, in that the writer has favored the audience with a happy ending, if the story is explained by the hypothesis of interfering between parallel spacetimes, the two characters will not encounter each other in the future as encountered in the past, which means a sad separation. Thus, in consideration of the original intention of the writer, the two characters shall stay all along a single spacetime, and they end up with a happy ending by rewriting the spacetime.
爰決議如主文。 In conclusion, the resolution is made as in the main text.



文論因果,因果各復有因果者,其因果可分。 OOO
文論因果,因錯者,全文否認之;因對而果錯,其因果可分者,果否認之;其因果不可分者,全文否認之。 OOO


Unnecessary Argument

事物非邏輯命題,或不確定是否為邏輯命題,或邏輯命題已經證明者,皆無爭執之必要。 It is unnecessary to argue over a thing which is not a logical proposition, or which has not been determined to be a logical proposition, or a proved logical proposition.


The Dilution of Social Movement

社會運動於出現純粹精神領袖時認為變質。 A social movement is deemed diluted when a purely spiritual leader is put on the pedestal.
純粹精神領袖,係指領袖僅有政治功能,而在各行各業中皆無何具體功能者而言。 A purely spiritual leader means a leader having no substantial function in all walks of life, except in politics.


The Doom of Industrialization

工業化所欲者,無非節用以獲利。惟若工人因失生計,無力消費,則市場萎縮,無利可圖,縱資本家亦不免於貶損。乃更工業化,終於舉眾皆貧。如是末路,已可想見。 Industrialization is on purpose to make a profit by reducing labors. However, it deprives the labors of their livelihood and thus diminishes their purchasing power, and as a result, the market will shrink and become unprofitable. In this way, even a capitalist cannot help but run down, and they will pursue further industrialization. It is expectable that industrialization finally leads people to doom, where all lives in poverty.


The Inequality of the Metahypotheses

平等函數對於系統所固有之命題始有適用之餘地,故不完備之系統即無所謂平等。 The function of equality is effective only to the theses existed in a system, so the equality is inapplicable in an incomplete system.
後設猜想既立基於系統之不完備,自無許平等恆與其共存。 Founded on the incompleteness of a system, the Metahypotheses forbid the equality always exists therewith.


Hope of Formality

從古到今,人們被教導「實質重於形式」,於是,種種形式被打破了,種種實質被揭開了。 Throughout the history, people are taught that "substance is over form", and in this way, several formalities have been broken, and several substances have been discovered.
可是,根據實證,重實質時代的人們比起重形式時代的人們,希望更少,絕望更多。 However, empirically observed, the people in the substance-oriented age, compared to the people in the formality-oriented, are less hopeful, but more hopeless.
形式就好比是禮物的包裝。看到包裝時,會很欣喜;拆開包裝時,會很期待;而拆開包裝後,會很驚奇。翻越形式的重巖疊嶂而獲得成就的感受亦復如是。 A formality is just like a gift wrapping. It is happy when seeing the wrapping, exciting when opening the wrapping, and amazing after opening the wrapping. A similar feeling may occur for an achievement by going over mountains of formalities.
然而,世上懶人與蠢人居多。懶人不願意包裝禮物,而蠢人無能力包裝禮物。在懶人與蠢人的主導下,禮物的包裝漸漸被放棄。同理,基於麻煩與困難,形式漸漸被放棄。 However, there are more lazy people and stupid people in the world. Lazy people is unwilling to wrap a gift, while stupid is incapable to wrap a gift. Playing up to the lazy people and the stupid people, the world tends to give up gift wrappings. Similarly, due to complexity and difficulty, the world tends to give up formalities.
當然,比起關心禮物的包裝,人們更關心禮物的內容。 For sure, people concern more about the gift content than about the gift wrapping.
拆開禮物的包裝後,多半會得到禮物的內容。可是,面對世界,打破形式就會揭開實質嗎?根據實證,答案是否定的。 Mostly, we will get a gift content after opening a gift wrapping. However, for the world, will we discover a substance after breaking a formality? Empirically observed, the answer is negative.
畢竟你有你的實質,我有我的實質,實質缺少了共量性,也就失去了存在的意義。 After all, everyone has his own substance. A substance losses its meaning of existence as it lacks a commensurability among people.
禮物沒有內容,固然令人失望,可是不要忘記,還有包裝啊!既然世界根本沒有實質,唯一的寄望乃是形式。 It is disappointing for a gift without a content, but do not forget that, there is still a wrapping! Since no substance is actually in the world, the hopes are only on formalities.
因此,形式需要重構。 Therefore, formalities need reconstruction.


Sampling Range for Building up Confidence

如果人總是與世界相比,他不可能自信,如此將可能失去進步的動力。 If a person is always compared with the world, he may not be confident, and in this way, he may lose the power of improvement.
如果人總是與自己相比,他不可能謙卑,如此將可能失去進步的動機。 If a person is always compared with himself, he may not be modest, and in this way, he may lose the motivation of improvement.
故建立自信的取樣範圍應採主觀可及範圍說。 Thus, the sampling range for building up confidence shall be accorded to the theory of subjectively accessible range.
對於自信過低,而不利於自己的人,或自信過高,而不利於他人的人,應協助他建立主觀可及範圍,或縮放或變更既有的主觀可及範圍。 For a person who is hypoconfident to disadvantage himself, or hyperconfident to disadvantage another, we shall help him establishing a subjectively accessible range, or scale or alter the existed subjectively accessible range.
自信雖然過高或過低,但是並沒有造成不利,也就不必調整。 In case of hypoconfidence or hyperconfidence without disadvantage, there is no need for adjustment.


Animal Laborans

漢娜‧鄂蘭於《人之條件》最末節所稱「勞動動物」,與書名所稱「人」有別[1],固無疑義。 The term "animal laborans" Hannah Arendt used in the last section of The Human Condition shall be distinguished from the term "human" she used in the title of the book[1].
現實之中,人之所以為人之活動,苟隨勞動動物之所欲,無不降格,乃人之條件,付之烏有。 In our experience in the reality, the activities showing human values are always degraded as participated by animal laborans. In this way, no human condition can be retained.
是勞動動物對於該等活動,不得作為主體;已誤為主體而為行為者,宣告其行為無效。 Thus, animal laborans is not allowed to participate in such activities. An action mistakenly conducted by animal laborans shall be declared legally invalid.


[1] 勞動動物與人有別云者,非謂兩者不可同屬單一個體。 The sentence "animal laborans shall be distinguished from human" does not mean the two cannot be in an individual.


The Consolation from the Theory of Three Period of Life


A causal singularity in the present life is detrimental to the completeness of rationality, so there introduces the Theory of Three Period of Life to create an extension of the spacetime, based on the Principle of Relativity, such that the causal singularity belongs to a smooth causal function therein, so as to console people's heart according to the consistent rationality.


Information Envelope

集合縱含有實在,仍非實在。 A set, even if it contains a substance, is still not a substance.
資訊封包既集合後設層疊之映射,其後設資格者不存在時,即失附麗以致消滅。 An information envelope, being a set of mappings of metalayers, when losing its metaqualifier, loses it dependency, resulting in its vanishment.
資訊封包,係以罹於不存在後設資格者之資訊量作為閥值而定義之。 An information envelope is defined by a threshold, which is the amount of information critical for a metaqualifier to exist for it.
集合,其資訊量未減至上開閥值,或已逾之者,不認為資訊封包。 A set before its amount of information decreases to or after that increases beyond said threshold, is not deemed an information envelope.


The Uncertainty of Will

意志已生之〈世界上存在性〉恆不生確定力。 The existed worldly existence of a will never results in a prejudicial effect.
已生世界上存在性之意志因表示不完全或一部不相容於世界致其結果不確定於世界。 Even if a will is of a world existence, if it is expressed incompletely to or partially inconsistently with the world, the result thereof remains uncertain to the world.
表示完全不相容於世界者,與未表示於世界者同。 An expression completely inconsistent with the world is deemed no expression to the world.


Form is Exactly Substance

形式不憑實質,輒無存在之必要,故如以形式重於實質,不免於空泛。 A form is unnecessary to exist without a substance, so the formalism is null.
實質不依形式,輒無定義之可能,故如以實質重於形式,不免於浮動。 A substance is impossible to be defined without a form, so the substantivism is void.
是以形式若且唯若實質,乃當然之解釋。 Thus, the form exists if and only if the substance exists, as a matter of course.
又為邏輯之自洽,其等皆為時變函數,亦當然之結果。 Moreover, for the purpose of logic consistence, they shall be time-variant functions, as a matter of course, either.


A Simply Quantitative Thinking for Capitalistic Suffering

所謂的資本,不是指資金,而是指生產工具。 The term "capital", does not mean fund, but instrument of production.
生產工具的益處,就是節省勞力。 Instruments of production provide merit of labor-saving.
如果一個人沒有任何生產工具,他就必須辛苦地採集、捕獵才能生存。 If a person does not own any instrument of production, he must survives hard by collecting and hunting.
如果一個人有了農地,他只需要播種,等待收成,就能輕鬆生存。當然,他可以耕耘,取得豐收。 If a person owns a piece of farmland, he just sows, and waits for harvest, then he easily survives. Of course, he may till to get a bumper harvest.
如果一個人有了耕耘機,他連耕耘的勞力也節省了,卻同樣取得豐收。 If a person owns a tiller, he still gets a bumper harvest, while he saves his labor of tilling.
此處,農地、耕耘機,就是典型的資本。 Here, the farmland and the tiller are classical instruments of production.
節省勞力,就是人類進步的所在。 Labor-saving is regarded as a kind of human progress.
可是,這在資本主義下,只是假象。 However, this is an illusion in Capitalism.
顯然,農地、耕耘機等生產工具,不是天上掉下來的禮物,而是透過「等價交易」取得的。 Obviously, instruments of production such as the farmland and the tiller are not gifts from the heaven. We get them by "equivalent trading".
在這樁交易中,生產工具的價值,恰好等於它所節省的勞力。 In such a trade, the value of the instrument of production is exactly equal to the labor it saves.
為了日後節省勞力,而事先墊付勞力,結果根本沒有節省勞力。人類毫無進步,反而繞了遠路。 In order to save labor in future, we pay our labor in advance. In summary, there is no labor-saving. Human makes no progress, but a detour.
只要處在資本主義的等價交易的制度下,這個結果就不會改變。 Under Capitalism's equivalent trading system, we cannot change the result.
所以馬克思才認為必須透過「暴力革命」,搶奪資本家的生產工具,交由全民共享。 This is why Marx considered "violent revolution" to plunder the capitals from the capitalists to the community.
這就是共產主義的起源。 And this is the origin of communism.


Capitalistic Black Hole

後設猜想既不討論,也不意圖討論發達資本的點子,或者更直白地,賺錢的門道。 The Metahypotheses do neither discuss nor intent to discuss ideas of developing capital, or more straightforward, ways of making money.
因為事物一旦進入資本主義的循環,就變得十分惱人,並且迅速凋亡。 Because when a thing joins the circulation of Capitalism, it becomes annoying and decays quickly.
如今,資本主義已經過於壯大,事物難逃其魔掌。它不斷將事物捲入其中,推擠、扭曲、壓榨、吸收、耗盡,猶如黑洞。 Now, Capitalism has been too strong for things to escape from it. It keeps drawing things into it, pressing, distort, squeezing, absorbing and exhausting them, as what a black hole does.
甚至,當既有的事物都耗盡後,它會創造新事物,以更新這個絕望的漩渦。 Moreover, when all existing things are exhausted, it will create new things, to refresh this despairing vortex.
因此,我將資本主義稱為:後設煩惱源。 Thus, I call Capitalism: a meta anxiety source.


Not Appealable to the Court of Third Instance

「不得上訴於第三審法院。」是我自2015年起的口頭禪之一。 "Not appealable to the court of third instance." is one of my pet phrases since 2015.
這句話出自〈最高法院刑事判例69年台上字第2037號〉,它是我第一個接觸到的判例,因此刻骨銘心。 The sentence originated from Supreme Court criminal precedent, 69th year, Tai Shang Zi No. 2037, which was the first precedent that I contacted with and thus impressive to me.
其內涵在於:為了合理分配有限的司法資源,法律規定某幾種輕微案件不得上訴於第三審法院,至多兩審定讞。 It means: for reasonably distributing the finite judicial resources, the laws prescribe that certain kinds of minor cases are not appealable to the court of third instance, and a definitive judgement will be given by no more than two instances.
如此,當事人只剩下兩個審級可以平反,一個審級利益被法定剝奪了。 As a result, the person involved in such cases can argue for his justice in only two instances, and one of his instance benefit is legally deprived.
這顯示出了現實的殘酷。 This shows the cruelty of the reality.


The Precedence of Existence and Essence

顯然,東西必須存在,我們才可能分析它的色、聲、香、味、觸等本質。所以,存在先於本質[1]。 Obviously, there must be a thing, so that we can analyze its kinds of essence, such as its form, sound, smell, taste or touch. Therefore, existence precedes essence.
但是,東西必須發出色、聲、香、味、觸等本質,我們才可能發現它的存在。所以,本質先於存在。 However, a thing must give off some kinds of essence, such as its form, sound, smell, taste or touch, so that we can discover its existence. Therefore, essence precedes existence.
綜上所述,存在若且唯若本質。 In summary, existence if only if essence.


[1] 此為存在主義之主張。 It is a claim of Existentialism.