我不會在第一時間接受新事物。 | I will not accept a new thing at the first moment. |
除了比起舊事物具有顯著優越性之外,我不會接受新事物。[1] | I will not accept a new thing except that it is distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing.[1] |
[1] | 第一句話和第二句話的範圍並不完全重疊。這兩者的交集是比起舊事物沒有顯著優越性的新事物被認識不超過第一時間者;而這兩者的聯集的補集是比起舊事物具有顯著優越性的新事物被認識超過第一時間者。 | The scopes of the first statement and the second statement are not fully overlapped. The joint of the two is a new thing not distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing being recognized within the first moment. While, the complement of the union of the two is a new thing distinctly advantageous compared to the prior thing being recognized over the first moment. |