顯然,東西必須存在,我們才可能分析它的色、聲、香、味、觸等本質。所以,存在先於本質[1]。 | Obviously, there must be a thing, so that we can analyze its kinds of essence, such as its form, sound, smell, taste or touch. Therefore, existence precedes essence. |
但是,東西必須發出色、聲、香、味、觸等本質,我們才可能發現它的存在。所以,本質先於存在。 | However, a thing must give off some kinds of essence, such as its form, sound, smell, taste or touch, so that we can discover its existence. Therefore, essence precedes existence. |
綜上所述,存在若且唯若本質。 | In summary, existence if only if essence. |
[1] | 此為存在主義之主張。 | It is a claim of Existentialism. |