後設猜想既不討論,也不意圖討論發達資本的點子,或者更直白地,賺錢的門道。 |
The Metahypotheses do neither discuss nor intent to discuss ideas of developing capital, or more straightforward, ways of making money. |
因為事物一旦進入資本主義的循環,就變得十分惱人,並且迅速凋亡。 |
Because when a thing joins the circulation of Capitalism, it becomes annoying and decays quickly. |
如今,資本主義已經過於壯大,事物難逃其魔掌。它不斷將事物捲入其中,推擠、扭曲、壓榨、吸收、耗盡,猶如黑洞。 |
Now, Capitalism has been too strong for things to escape from it. It keeps drawing things into it, pressing, distort, squeezing, absorbing and exhausting them, as what a black hole does. |
甚至,當既有的事物都耗盡後,它會創造新事物,以更新這個絕望的漩渦。 |
Moreover, when all existing things are exhausted, it will create new things, to refresh this despairing vortex. |
因此,我將資本主義稱為:後設煩惱源。 |
Thus, I call Capitalism: a meta anxiety source. |