Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Principle of Resource Distribution

若將水全給大象,則小鼠會渴死;若將水均分給大象和小鼠,則大象會渴死;若水就這麼多,則兩者遲早都會渴死。 If the water is all distributed to the elephant, the mouse will be parched; if the water is equally distributed to the elephant and the mouse, the elephant will be parched, if the water is limited, the two will eventually be parched.
由此可見,資源分配極不平等,會扼殺多元性;資源分配極平等,亦會扼殺多元性。因此,資源分配,以恰可維持多元性為準;若有剩餘,以可良性循環者為先。 It is noted that, extremely unequal resource distribution kills the diversity, and extremely equal resource distribution also kills the diversity. Hence, the resource shall be distributed in the way that the diversity is exactly preserved; if there is remnant, one who brings a virtuous circle deserves the priority.
資源,係指事實上資源及法律上資源而言。 Resources are referred to factual resources and legal resources.
