Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Hope of Formality

從古到今,人們被教導「實質重於形式」,於是,種種形式被打破了,種種實質被揭開了。 Throughout the history, people are taught that "substance is over form", and in this way, several formalities have been broken, and several substances have been discovered.
可是,根據實證,重實質時代的人們比起重形式時代的人們,希望更少,絕望更多。 However, empirically observed, the people in the substance-oriented age, compared to the people in the formality-oriented, are less hopeful, but more hopeless.
形式就好比是禮物的包裝。看到包裝時,會很欣喜;拆開包裝時,會很期待;而拆開包裝後,會很驚奇。翻越形式的重巖疊嶂而獲得成就的感受亦復如是。 A formality is just like a gift wrapping. It is happy when seeing the wrapping, exciting when opening the wrapping, and amazing after opening the wrapping. A similar feeling may occur for an achievement by going over mountains of formalities.
然而,世上懶人與蠢人居多。懶人不願意包裝禮物,而蠢人無能力包裝禮物。在懶人與蠢人的主導下,禮物的包裝漸漸被放棄。同理,基於麻煩與困難,形式漸漸被放棄。 However, there are more lazy people and stupid people in the world. Lazy people is unwilling to wrap a gift, while stupid is incapable to wrap a gift. Playing up to the lazy people and the stupid people, the world tends to give up gift wrappings. Similarly, due to complexity and difficulty, the world tends to give up formalities.
當然,比起關心禮物的包裝,人們更關心禮物的內容。 For sure, people concern more about the gift content than about the gift wrapping.
拆開禮物的包裝後,多半會得到禮物的內容。可是,面對世界,打破形式就會揭開實質嗎?根據實證,答案是否定的。 Mostly, we will get a gift content after opening a gift wrapping. However, for the world, will we discover a substance after breaking a formality? Empirically observed, the answer is negative.
畢竟你有你的實質,我有我的實質,實質缺少了共量性,也就失去了存在的意義。 After all, everyone has his own substance. A substance losses its meaning of existence as it lacks a commensurability among people.
禮物沒有內容,固然令人失望,可是不要忘記,還有包裝啊!既然世界根本沒有實質,唯一的寄望乃是形式。 It is disappointing for a gift without a content, but do not forget that, there is still a wrapping! Since no substance is actually in the world, the hopes are only on formalities.
因此,形式需要重構。 Therefore, formalities need reconstruction.
