Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Sampling Range for Building up Confidence

如果人總是與世界相比,他不可能自信,如此將可能失去進步的動力。 If a person is always compared with the world, he may not be confident, and in this way, he may lose the power of improvement.
如果人總是與自己相比,他不可能謙卑,如此將可能失去進步的動機。 If a person is always compared with himself, he may not be modest, and in this way, he may lose the motivation of improvement.
故建立自信的取樣範圍應採主觀可及範圍說。 Thus, the sampling range for building up confidence shall be accorded to the theory of subjectively accessible range.
對於自信過低,而不利於自己的人,或自信過高,而不利於他人的人,應協助他建立主觀可及範圍,或縮放或變更既有的主觀可及範圍。 For a person who is hypoconfident to disadvantage himself, or hyperconfident to disadvantage another, we shall help him establishing a subjectively accessible range, or scale or alter the existed subjectively accessible range.
自信雖然過高或過低,但是並沒有造成不利,也就不必調整。 In case of hypoconfidence or hyperconfidence without disadvantage, there is no need for adjustment.
