形式不憑實質,輒無存在之必要,故如以形式重於實質,不免於空泛。 | A form is unnecessary to exist without a substance, so the formalism is null. |
實質不依形式,輒無定義之可能,故如以實質重於形式,不免於浮動。 | A substance is impossible to be defined without a form, so the substantivism is void. |
是以形式若且唯若實質,乃當然之解釋。 | Thus, the form exists if and only if the substance exists, as a matter of course. |
又為邏輯之自洽,其等皆為時變函數,亦當然之結果。 | Moreover, for the purpose of logic consistence, they shall be time-variant functions, as a matter of course, either. |