Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Comments for Articles

  1. 一以貫之若干新知者,評曰:神來之筆。
  2. 循序漸進若干新知者,評曰:大開眼界。
  3. 引領新知者,評曰:妙趣橫生。
  4. 提點習知者,評曰:鞭辟入裡。
  5. 詳談習知者,評曰:獲益良多。
  6. 冗述習知者,評曰:駑鈍。
  7. 立論空泛者,評曰:可憐。
  8. 自相矛盾者,評曰:可笑。
  9. 冷嘲熱諷者,評曰:可悲。
Reading an article, if it:
  1. links up several innovations, we conclude it as "fantastic".
  2. guides us step by step to several innovations, we conclude it as "amazing".
  3. imports an innovation, we conclude it as "inspiring".
  4. summarizes the common senses, we conclude it as "impressive".
  5. introduces the common senses, we conclude it as "worthy".
  6. spins out the common senses, we conclude it as "foolish".
  7. is shallow, we conclude it as "poor".
  8. is inconsistent, we conclude it as "ridiculous".
  9. is malicious, we conclude it as "tragic".
