Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Impossibility of Neutrality[1]

利慾薰心自身,無所謂對錯[2];可是除了利慾薰心之外一無所有的傢伙,不符合「人」的定義[3]。 There is neither "right greed" nor "wrong greed"[2]; however, someone who is nothing but greed is not suitable for the name of "human"[3].
  1. 身為「人類」,我放任它。
  2. 身為「人」,我抗拒它。
  3. 身為兩者的合成,我戰勝它。
So whenever I come up against greed:
  1. as a "Homo sapiens", I overlook it.
  2. as a "human", I overcome it.
  3. as a combination of the two, I overwhelm it.


[1] 本文標題,係啟發自台灣太陽花學運,實為本文內容之延伸。蓋凡屬人類者,中立於萬物鬥爭則無以倖存;凡屬人者,一旦宣告中立則言行陷於沉寂。誠然中立僅成立於霎那,故曰不可能。 The title is inspired by Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan, and is extended from the content. It is that every Homo sapiens cannot survive in the conflict with the environment with his situation neutral, and every human can only speaks and acts in silence after he claim his situation neutral. So it is true that neutrality holds for a split second, wherein the impossibility shows.
[2] 利慾薰心乃功利主義之基礎,目的在謀取自身利益最大化。惟利益之有無,純屬主觀感受,不可客觀衡量,是以無所謂對錯。 Greed is the base of Utilitarianism, which drive us to pursue the maximum of our own interest. However, the interest is a subjective sense, rather than an objective evaluation, so we can imagine neither "right greed" nor "wrong greed".
[3] 人之定義,係採用漢娜·鄂蘭之定義。 The definition of "human" refers to the Hannah Arendt's definition.