Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Time to Pedantize

從事學問的推廣、教學時,固然不可以掉書袋、以華麗虛浮的詞彙迷惑他人,畢竟我們的目的是讓別人聽懂、學會。 We shall not pedantize to confuse others with superficially exaggerative words when we are doing public education, since we aim for their comprehension and their practice after all.
然而,在表達前瞻性的論點時,請務必掉書袋!因為我們是站在廣大的學問基礎上,勉勉強強才稍微向前推進,我們實在沒有時間停下腳步一一解釋這些既有的學問。 However, we shall pedantize as much as possible when we are talking about a prospect! For we are standing on the wide bases of prior arts, barely going forward a little bit, we are really having no time to stop to explain those prior arts one by one.
就以這篇愛因斯坦的論文標題「基於黎曼度規和超距平移理論的統一場論」[1]為例好了,我們如果一一解釋黎曼度規、超距平移理論及統一場論這些專有名詞,不用到幾千頁幾萬頁,恐怕是難以說清楚講明白的。 Taking this Einstein's article title, "A Unified Field Theory Based on the Riemannian Metric and the Distant Parallelism"[1], for example, if we try to explain those terms such as Riemannian metric, the distant parallelism and the unified field theory one by one, we can hardly do it without thousands upon thousands of pages.
所以,想要了解先進的學問卻遇到瓶頸時,除了埋首充實自己以外,也沒有其他辦法。 In fact, we can only persevere in our studies in spite of hardships when we come up against a bottleneck in our way to advance.


[1] Albert Einstein (1930). Auf die Riemann-Metrik und den Fern-Parallelismus gegründete einheitliche Feldtheorie. Mathematische Annalen, 102(1), 685-697.