Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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My Philosophy

我的皮膚是徐志摩,我的肉是馬克思,我的血是鄂蘭,我的骨架是羅素,我的骨髓是愛因斯坦,我的神經是康托爾,我的心是尼采,我的腦幹是康德,我的小腦是圖靈,我的大腦是維根斯坦,而我的精神是釋迦牟尼。 My skin is of Xu Zhimo, my flesh is of Marx, my blood is of Arendt, my skeleton is of Russell, my marrow is of Einstein, my nerve is of Cantor, my heart is of Nietzsche, my brainstem is of Kant, my cerebellum is of Turing, my cerebrum is of Wittgenstein, while my spirit is of Sakyamuni.
我對哲學的認知,是追隨維根斯坦在《哲學研究》[1]中所言:「哲學將一切事物簡單地置於我們眼前,既不解釋,亦不推論任何事物。——畢竟一切事物一覽無遺,沒有什麼好解釋的……我們又不妨將『哲學』這個名稱賦予先於各種新發現及新發明的那些可能的東西。」 My comprehension for philosophy follows what Wittgenstein said in his Philosophical Investigations[1]: " Philosophy simply puts everything before us, and neither explains nor deduces anything. —Since everything lies open to view, there is nothing to explain ... One might also give the name 'philosophy' to what is possible before all new discoveries and inventions."
而我則承襲了維根斯坦的工作:「目的在於合乎邏輯地澄清思想。」並將他「不關心」的參考來源[2],加以搜索、列舉、援引。 And I keep on the works of Wittgenstein, which "aims at the logical clarification of thoughts." I search, list and cite those sources, about which he did not care[2].


[1] Wittgenstein (1953). Philosophical Investigations, §126. (Same)
[2] Wittgenstein (1922). Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Preface. (Same)