人在斷氣的霎那,心裡想著的是阿彌陀佛,就可以往生極樂世界[1]。 |
If a person is dying with his or her mind thinking of Amitabha Buddha, he or she may reborn in the land of bliss[1]. |
我覺得這個條件很有電腦程式的概念:輪迴就是迴圈,直到迴圈輸出滿足條件的數值,它才會結束、跳出。 |
I think this requirement is with the concept of computer programs: the transmigration is just like a loop, and it ends up and jumps out to the upper level, after it finally returns an expected value. |
- 不意外暴死。
- 不失智。
- 不臥病在床,免得心生怨念。
- 死前一刻不被別人干擾。
The requirement seems simple, but when we think over it, we find out how difficult it is! For we must be far from:
- a sudden death.
- dementia.
- chronic diseases, in order not to complain about.
- interrupters, while dying.
至於極樂世界存在與否,我們無法討論。 |
However, the existence of Amitabha's land of bliss is out of our consideration. |