Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Awareness of Death

當我們警覺到死亡迫近時,我們鎮定!我們從容!我們終於擺脫慾望的自由,得以主導自由的慾望!我們再不想要自私,我們再不想要自利,我們非常樂意去透支我們的剩餘價值!就將我們的所有,盡情地揮霍吧!盡情地灑脫吧! When we are aware of death, just calm down! And take it easy! We are getting out of our free desire, leading our desire for freedom. We stop being selfish, we stop being egoistic, and we are willing to overdraw our surplus values! So let us spread all our possession casually! But elegantly!
我們實在已經一無所有,甚至我們連「我們」的名分也一併失去了——畢竟我們不需要!我們將成為「他們」,所以最好利用這僅存的片刻,好好描繪出夢想的雛形,而我們的方法是:放手吧!除了給予,還是給予! Now we have nothing indeed, and we cannot call ourselves with the pronoun "we"——in the point of fact we do not need it. Since we are going to become "them", we better start drawing a draft of our dream, in this remnant moment, in a way that we let it go! Then we shall give, still give!
