Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Alienation among Three Parties Caused by the Metahypotheses

一後設命題包括至少一上後設層、一下後設層、及另一下後設層之三異化。 A metaproposition includes alienation among at least three parties, a upper metalayer, a lower metalayer, and another lower metalayer.
後設猜想旨在將一物分割為多具體物,致其於死,而將多物合併為一抽象物,賦予其生。 The Metahypotheses aims to divide a matter into a plurality of specific matters, to give it death, and combine a plurality of matters into an abstract matter, to give birth to it.


Movie "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc"

盧貝松導演的《聖女貞德》是我重複看過上百遍的喜愛電影。 Director Luc Besson’s "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc" is my favorite movie which I have watched almost hundred times.
電影的前半段講述村姑貞德帶領法軍打勝仗,收復失土,使法國王儲得以在漢斯接受加冕的英勇事蹟。 The first half of the movie told a heroic story of a country girl, Jeanne, who led French army to win the war, regain the lost territories, and bring the Dauphin to Reims for his coronation.
在電影的後半段,劇情則急轉直下。貞德由於「執意繼續打仗」,終於失足遭到英軍俘虜。 In the second half of the movie, a dramatic change occurred. Persisting in waging and participating in more wars, Jeanne finally failed and was captured by the British army.
在宗教審判期間,貞德開始反省自己的「執意」帶來許多無意義的犧牲。她想要找神父告解,但每位神父皆拒絕聆聽。 During the religious trial, Jeanne began to repent of her "persistence" which brought many meaningless sacrifices. She looked for a priest to listen to her confession, but every priest refused.
最後,在處刑前夕,上帝以僧侶的姿態現身在她面前,說道: 「你想要告解?我正在聽。」 Finally, before the execution, God appeared as a monk in front of her, saying: "you want to confess? I'm listening."
貞德便懺悔道:「主,我犯了罪,許多罪。我看到許多異象。」 Jeanne began to confess: "I've committed sins, my Lord. So many sins. I saw so many signs."
「許多異象。」 "Many signs."
「都只是我想要看的。我打仗…是出於復仇…和絕望。我是人們…相信的一切,好讓他們…在打仗時…有藉口。」 "The ones I wanted to see. I fought... out of revenge... and despair. I was all the things... that people believe... they're allowed to be... when they're fighting for... a cause."
「有藉口。」 "For a cause."
「我…既驕傲…又固執。」 "I was... proud... and... stubborn."
「還有自私。」 "Selfish."
「自私。」 "Selfish."
「對,還有殘忍。」 "Yes. Cruel."
「對,殘忍。」 "Yes. Cruel."
「你覺得你準備好了嗎?」 "You think you are ready now?"
「好了。」 "Yes."
「很好。」 "Good."
上帝在親自聆聽完貞德的告解後,將手按在貞德的頭上,念誦道:「Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.」 After listening to Jeanne's confession, God put his hand on Jeanne’s head, reciting: "Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
下一幕,貞德在火刑柱上,肉體被熊熊烈火折磨,但心靈已被拯救。 In the next scene, Jeanne was tied to the stake with her flesh tortured by raging fire, but her soul saved.
如今,我也自省,我真的在追求大是大非,還是自我滿足? Now, I introspect for this question: am I pursuing "real justice" or "self-satisfaction"?


Purity and Impurity

純潔,是指客觀上且主觀上俱純潔。 Purity means objective and subjective purity.
無認識而已為不潔,或有認識而未為不潔,均屬不潔。 A subject, either unconscious of but being impure, or conscious of but not being impure, is impure.


Example of Locking a Causal Route of Speech

己所欲言,而他所不欲聞者,言之無效。 You cannot effect your target if you say what you want to say but he does not want to hear.
他所欲聞,而己所不欲言者,言之無益。 You cannot benefit your target if you say what he wants to hear but you do not want to say.
必也以非己所不欲言,且非他所不欲聞者為所言,以鎖定其因果路徑。 If you try to lock the causal route of his behavior, you should say what is acceptable both to you and him.


Choice between Crap and Shit

究應食糞,抑該吃屎,令人表態不亦難乎。故不可強人表態,足見一斑。 Some people like to force other people to choose one from two parties, especially in political issues. However, it is unreasonable, because we can simply see difficulty in choosing one from crap and shit.
人之不欲食糞與吃屎,何罪之有乎。 Normal people will refuse any of crap and shit. The crap and the shit are reserved for those who like to force others.


Metaphysical Contradiction

形而上矛盾,係指通曉萬物乃見其等根源之自始當然確定絕對矛盾者而言。 Metaphysical contradiction refers to the initial, natural, unchangeable, and absolute contradiction of the origin of everything comprehended after knowing everything.
形而下矛盾,係指誤以無矛盾處為矛盾處者而言。 Physical contradiction refers to mistaking a noncontradictory part to a contradictory part.
兩者有別,不可相提並論。 The two concepts are different, and we shall not confuse with them.

Political Logic Disorder

若一件事的條件具足了,此時此刻,我們即可開始執行那件事。 If a thing has full conditions, we can begin it right now.
若我們尚不可開始執行那件事,即表示那件事的條件尚未具足。 If we cannot begin the thing right now, it means that it still lacks some conditions.
若那件事的條件尚未具足,我們即應設法使其具足。 If the thing lacks some conditions, we shall try to find them.
若我們尚不可使那件事的條件具足,我們即應停止那件事。 If we cannot find its lacking conditions right now, we shall stop it.
如此單純的邏輯,牽扯到政治,就會亂了套。 People will lose such a simple logic when they are talking about politics.


No Awakening Youth Existing

覺青是指覺醒的青年,而覺醒則形容從昏睡的無知狀態,忽然變成清醒的有知狀態。 The term "awakening youth" refers to a youth awakening from ignorance to wisdom in a sudden.
然而,無知到有知的正確知識,必須日積月累,並非朝夕可得。也就是說,從無知忽然變成有知,是不可能的。 However, a person who wants to progress from ignorance to wisdom must accumulate correct knowledges day by day rather than one night. In other words, a sudden progression from ignorance to wisdom is impossible.
因此,覺青不可能。 Therefore, no awakening youth is possible to exist.
充其量只有攝取錯誤知識的錯覺青,或更嚴重,幻覺青。 Finally, a person who feels himself awakening from ignorance to wisdom in a sudden is merely a youth having illusion, or seriously, hallucination.


Dialectical Individualism

純粹個人主義者,遲早因不相容於集體而消滅。 A pure individualist will certainly be eliminated because they are inconsistent with the collective.
純粹集體主義者,遲早因太相容於集體而消滅。 A pure collectivist will certainly be eliminated because they are too consistent with the collective.
故個人主義為體,集體主義為用,以保存個體之特徵,豐富宇宙之多元。 Therefore, it advocates individualism as essence and collectivism for application, in view of preserving the characteristic of the individual and thus enriching the diversity of the universe.


Dialectic of Standard Answer

早期,我被動地追求所述標準答案。 In earlier stages, I passively pursued the standard answers.
中期,我受到某些「啟發」,不再追求所述標準答案。 In medium stages, I no longer pursued the standard answers since I got some "inspiration".
晚期,我主動地追求標準答案。 In later stages, I actively pursues standard answer.
顯然,我關於標準答案的見解,因辯證而昇華。 Obviously, my comprehension of standard answer has evolved because of dialectic.


Conditions for Irrevocable Decision

就確定事實以確定要件所為之決定當然確定。 A decision is irrevocable if made according to definite requirements and based on definite facts.
決定不確定者,蓋事實不確定或要件不確定。 A decision is revocable only if made according to indefinite requirements, or based on indefinite facts.
事實不確定為外顯不完備。 An indefinite fact is an explicit incompleteness.
要件不確定為內涵不完備。 An indefinite requirement is an implicit incompleteness.
不確定但可確定者為相對不確定,可構造性證明之。 An indefiniteness which is possible to become definite is a relative indefiniteness, which can be shown by a constructive proof.
不確定且不可確定者為絕對不確定,僅可存在性證明之。 An indefiniteness which is impossible to become definite is an absolute indefiniteness, which can only be shown by an existence proof.


Time-Variant Conception

我們經常有這種盲點,就是覺得:(一)別人不會變;(二)自己不該變。 We often have such blind spots that (a) others will never change; and (b) we shall never change.
結果,那人變很好,我們不肯接納;這人變很壞,我們不肯離棄。那麼我們就吃虧了。 Then, when that person has become very good, we still refuse to accept him; when this person has become very bad, we still refuse to leave him. These kinds of choices are not beneficial to us.
所以我說,觀察過去是不夠的,還要觀察過去到現在的變化率。 So I say that, it is not enough to observe the past only, but we have to observe the changing from the past to the present.
同樣地,策劃未來也是不夠的,還要策劃現在到未來的變化率。 Similarly, it is not enough to plan the future only, but we have to plan the changing from the present to the future.


Hero is a State

英雄是一種狀態,不是一種身分。 "Hero" is a state, but not an identity.
如果英雄因權力而腐敗,我們當下就可以鄙棄他,不需要懊惱自己的信念前後不一致。 If a hero is corrupted by power, we can abandon him immediately with disdain, and we do not have to worry about any inconsistency in our beliefs.


Commutative Property of Process

程序,其步驟順序交換而發生同一結果者,合於交換律。 A process is commutative if we can derive the same result after we change the orders of the steps of the process.
不合於交換律之程序,其步驟順序交換而疑似發生同一結果者,蓋隱含另一結果未經察覺。 Where we seems to derive the same result after we change the orders of the steps of a non-commutative process, there is actually another implicit result remaining unobserved.


Ideology and the Nazis

希特勒在1934年第六屆納粹黨大會演說中提到,納粹在最初只有七個成員時,已經有兩個原則:第一、它將是一個純粹意識形態政黨;第二、它將毫不妥協地成為德國的一支且唯一一支力量。 Hitler said, in his speech from the Sixth Nazi Party Congress in 1934 that, when the Nazis consisted only seven members, it already had two principles: first, it would be a party with a true ideology, and second, it would be, uncompromisingly, the one and only power in Germany.
因此,如果我們發現,有誰提出某些訴求,只是純粹意識形態的空想,同時加上毫不妥協的堅持,我們就要當心。 Accordingly, we have to be careful when we notice that someone pursue some rights, which are illusions of true ideology, accompanied with his uncompromising insistence.
換句話說,堅持具體可行的訴求,或妥協於暫時不可行的訴求,屬於安全範圍。 In other words, it is okay to insist a particularly available right, or to compromise on a temporally unavailable right.


Selective Enforcement

我們選擇性清潔前街,不清潔後街,至少前街清潔了,也是頂好的。前街之清潔並無任何問題,是後街之不清潔才有問題。 In case that we selectively clean the front street but not the back street, it is still good because at least the front street is cleaned. The cleaned front street is not a problem, but the problem is the uncleaned back street.
同理,選擇性執法並無任何問題,而是選擇性不執法才有問題。因此,當選擇性執法發生時,無須指摘已然之執法,而是應該督促遂行未然之執法。 Similarly, the selective enforcement is not a problem, but the problem is the selective non-enforcement. Therefore, when the government did a selective enforcement, we do not have to criticize the enforcement done, but we have to urge the government to do the enforcement expected to be done.
如此,才不會促長大家一起爛的歪風。 After all, we shall not get used to the bad custom of everybody corruption.


Logical, Physical and Legal Impossibilities

邏輯上不能者,物理上不能。 Logical impossibility implies physical impossibility.
邏輯上不能或物理上不能者,未必法律上不能。 Logical impossibility or physical impossibility do not imply legal impossibility.
但以邏輯上不能或物理上不能為法律上所能者,即為災禍。 However, it will be a disaster when we think a law possibly effective to a thing that is logically impossible or physically impossible.


A Fantastic Law

法律並沒有變出現實事物的魔法。 A law does not have a magic of producing a real thing.
利用法律變出權利,卻沒有現實事物可支援該權利,該法律即為空想,應予廢止。 In case of a law prescribed to create a right without a real thing to support it, such a law is just a fantasy and shall be abolished.
然而,製造出空想法律的人,因其無知及無能,通常會進一步再利用法律變出義務,要求別人去實現該空想。這是最令人受不了的。 Typically, because of his/her ignorance and incompetence, the person who prescribed the fantastic law will further prescribe another law to create an obligation that asks other people to realize such a fantasy. This is the most annoying thing.


The Left Wing Does Not Exist

假設左派是一種派別,那麼,它要麼是行動組織,要麼是思想脈絡。 If the left wing is a category, it is either an organization or an ideology.
但是,組織和脈絡都是右派的產物。這表示,左派的本質就是右派,左派一詞只是表象空殼。 However, either an organization or an ideology is a product of the right wing. This means that the essence of the left wing is the right wing, and the word "left wing" is just a shell with empty inside.
反之,假設左派不是一種派別,那麼,每個左派成員的行動思想彼此疏離而缺乏系統,也就是烏合之眾。 Alternatively, if the left wing is not a category, the left-wing members are just a motley crew with alien and unsystematic actions and thoughts.
因此,左派不存在。 Therefore, the left wing does not exist.


Whereof One Cannot Speak, Thereof One Must Be Silent

維特根斯坦說:「不可說的,只可不說。」 "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent," said Wittgenstein.
在這裡,知道不可說的某物卻不知道它不可說的,或甚至不知道不可說的,或根本不知道某物的,都算是違反這個要領。可見遵守這個要領是很難得的。 Herein, a person violates the rule if he does not know one of the inexpressiblility of a known inexpressible thing, or even the concept of inexpressiblility, or more even the existence of a thing. We thus see it is difficult to follow the rule.


Several Kinds of Legal expressions

  1. 正面概括。
  2. 正面列舉。
  3. 正面限制。
  4. 正面但書。
  5. 正面排除。
  6. 負面概括。
  7. 負面列舉。
  8. 負面限制。
  9. 負面但書。
  10. 負面排除。
There are several kinds of legal expressions:
  1. positive generalization;
  2. positive enumeration;
  3. positive restriction;
  4. positive exception;
  5. positive exclusion;
  6. negative generalization;
  7. negative enumeration;
  8. negative restriction;
  9. negative exception; and
  10. negative exclusion.
民眾正因為不熟悉法律的表達方式,就被法律文字遊戲玩弄。 People are often tricked by legal word games, since they are unfamiliar with these legal expressions.
A positive generalization is like:
"Everyone can join this party."
In this case, men and women are both allowed.
A positive enumeration is like:
"Women can join this party."
In this case, women are allowed without doubt, but it does not explicitly forbid the men's admission, which is to be further checked.
A positive restriction is like:
"Only women can join this party."
In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed.
A positive exception is like:
"Everyone can join this party, except for men."
In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed.
A negative exclusion is like:
"Everyone other than women can join this party."
In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed.
A negative generalization is like:
"No one can join this party."
In this case, neither men nor women are allowed.
A negative enumeration is like:
"Women cannot join this party."
In this case, women are not allowed without doubt, but it does not explicitly forbid men's admission, which is to be further checked.
A negative restriction is like:
"Only women cannot join this party."
In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed.
A negative exception is like:
"No one can join this party, except for men."
In this case, women are not allowed, while men are allowed.
A negative exclusion is like:
"No one other than women can join this party."
In this case, women are allowed, while men are not allowed.

Laughter Threshold

笑點低的人可以讓自己和說笑話的人都快樂,營造雙贏。 A person having a low laughter threshold can easily make himself and the joker happy, creating a win-win situation.
笑點高的人則無此社會效益。 While, a person having a high laughter threshold cannot provide such social benefit.
無論如何,最差勁的,是將危險或傷害當作笑點者。 However, the worst one is a joke of danger or harm.



人的記憶是極不可靠的。 Human memory is extremely unreliable.
一個人連昨天吃過什麼、喝過什麼都記不清楚了,更遙遠的記憶就更不用說了。 A person can remember clearly neither what he ate nor what he drank yesterday. His distant memories can be even unclear.
一群人的相同記憶還是不可靠的,因為人們經常產生人云亦云的集體幻覺。 The same memory of a group of people is still unreliable, because people are often infected with a collective illusion to follow the herd.
因此,以記憶為基礎的口供也是不可靠的,用來作為定罪的根據,實在太危險了。 Therefore, a confession based on memory is also unreliable. It is too dangerous to obtain a conviction according to such an unreliable thing.
我認為,口供的用處就是引導物證的發現,只有物證的特徵與口供的敘述一致,罪證才臻於明確。 In my opinion, a confession shall be only used to guide the discovery of a material evidence. A crime is proved only when the features of a material evidence meet with the content of the confession.
只要缺少物證,被告就應該無罪釋放。 Without a material evidence, the defendant shall be acquitted.


Determination Effect of Emotion

事件「確定」下來,即可結案,如此,方可前往下一步。 Once a case is determined, you can close the case, and then proceed to the next step.
情緒也是如此。透過將喜怒哀樂表達出來,將情緒事件迅速結案,內心空卻,即可容納其他東西。 Emotion can be treated in a similar way. An emotion case can be quickly closed by expressing the feelings in the heart, and the heart can thus return to empty for further containing other things.


Thinking Legislation in Sequence

事情不定成法律,無法強制人去遵守。 People may not comply with a rule if it is not prescribed in a law.
但是,即使定成法律,若無人去監督,還是無法強制人去遵守。 However, people may still not comply with the rule prescribed in the law if there is no supervisor.
但是,即使定成法律,且有人去監督,若根本是事實上做不到的事情,還是無法強制人去遵守。 However, people may still not comply with the rule prescribed in the law with a supervisor if the rule is factually unenforceable.
所以,事情要不要定成法律,是倒著思考上述命題而定的。 Therefore, whether a rule shall be prescribed in a law is determined by reverse thinking the aforementioned theses.
先定成法律,才開始想如何執行的人,即為無謀。 It is thoughtless to prescribe a rule in a law before knowing how to enforce it.