盧貝松導演的《聖女貞德》是我重複看過上百遍的喜愛電影。 |
Director Luc Besson’s "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc" is my favorite movie which I have watched almost hundred times. |
電影的前半段講述村姑貞德帶領法軍打勝仗,收復失土,使法國王儲得以在漢斯接受加冕的英勇事蹟。 |
The first half of the movie told a heroic story of a country girl, Jeanne, who led French army to win the war, regain the lost territories, and bring the Dauphin to Reims for his coronation. |
在電影的後半段,劇情則急轉直下。貞德由於「執意繼續打仗」,終於失足遭到英軍俘虜。 |
In the second half of the movie, a dramatic change occurred. Persisting in waging and participating in more wars, Jeanne finally failed and was captured by the British army. |
在宗教審判期間,貞德開始反省自己的「執意」帶來許多無意義的犧牲。她想要找神父告解,但每位神父皆拒絕聆聽。 |
During the religious trial, Jeanne began to repent of her "persistence" which brought many meaningless sacrifices. She looked for a priest to listen to her confession, but every priest refused. |
最後,在處刑前夕,上帝以僧侶的姿態現身在她面前,說道: 「你想要告解?我正在聽。」 |
Finally, before the execution, God appeared as a monk in front of her, saying: "you want to confess? I'm listening." |
貞德便懺悔道:「主,我犯了罪,許多罪。我看到許多異象。」 |
Jeanne began to confess: "I've committed sins, my Lord. So many sins. I saw so many signs." |
「許多異象。」 |
"Many signs." |
「都只是我想要看的。我打仗…是出於復仇…和絕望。我是人們…相信的一切,好讓他們…在打仗時…有藉口。」 |
"The ones I wanted to see. I fought... out of revenge... and despair. I was all the things... that people believe... they're allowed to be... when they're fighting for... a cause." |
「有藉口。」 |
"For a cause." |
「我…既驕傲…又固執。」 |
"I was... proud... and... stubborn." |
「還有自私。」 |
"Selfish." |
「自私。」 |
"Selfish." |
「對,還有殘忍。」 |
"Yes. Cruel." |
「對,殘忍。」 |
"Yes. Cruel." |
「你覺得你準備好了嗎?」 |
"You think you are ready now?" |
「好了。」 |
"Yes." |
「很好。」 |
"Good." |
上帝在親自聆聽完貞德的告解後,將手按在貞德的頭上,念誦道:「Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.」 |
After listening to Jeanne's confession, God put his hand on Jeanne’s head, reciting: "Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen." |
下一幕,貞德在火刑柱上,肉體被熊熊烈火折磨,但心靈已被拯救。 |
In the next scene, Jeanne was tied to the stake with her flesh tortured by raging fire, but her soul saved. |
如今,我也自省,我真的在追求大是大非,還是自我滿足? |
Now, I introspect for this question: am I pursuing "real justice" or "self-satisfaction"? |