Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Thinking Legislation in Sequence

事情不定成法律,無法強制人去遵守。 People may not comply with a rule if it is not prescribed in a law.
但是,即使定成法律,若無人去監督,還是無法強制人去遵守。 However, people may still not comply with the rule prescribed in the law if there is no supervisor.
但是,即使定成法律,且有人去監督,若根本是事實上做不到的事情,還是無法強制人去遵守。 However, people may still not comply with the rule prescribed in the law with a supervisor if the rule is factually unenforceable.
所以,事情要不要定成法律,是倒著思考上述命題而定的。 Therefore, whether a rule shall be prescribed in a law is determined by reverse thinking the aforementioned theses.
先定成法律,才開始想如何執行的人,即為無謀。 It is thoughtless to prescribe a rule in a law before knowing how to enforce it.
