Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Fun for Urbanite's Mask

都市人看穿彼此的假面,也看清那假面後的真意。他們望著彼此得體的假面,覺得舒服;笑著那暴露於外的真意,覺得有趣,享受雙重之樂。 All urbanites have discovered each other's masks, and have realized each other's true intents behind their masks. They look at each other's graceful masks, feeling comfortable, and laugh at each other's true intents exposing outside, feeling interesting, and enjoy the double fun.
  1. 不配戴假面。
  2. 看不穿假面。
  3. 看不清真意。
  4. 不欣賞假面。
  5. 不接受真意。
Therefore, a person is not qualified as an urbanite, if he:
  1. does not wear a mask.
  2. cannot discover other's mask.
  3. cannot realize other's true intent.
  4. does not admire other's mask.
  5. does not accept other's true intent.
