Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Exclusion of Physical Punishment

教育,既為使學生適於文明、合於法治,如採野蠻、非法之體罰,當然有違教育本旨,爰不得體罰。 Since education is to civilize and legalize students, the application of physical punishments, which are uncivilized and illegal, violates, of course, the purpose of education, therefore, no physical punishment shall be applied.
成年人,以其相對健全之身心,業難以承受體罰之身體上痛苦及精神上羞辱,則未成年人於成長中,更無以承受,可想而知。 Mature people cannot bear, with their relatively wholesome bodies and spirits, the body pain and the spiritual shame from physical punishments, then we can imagine that, immature people cannot even bear them during growing up.
未成年人應比照成年人,以權利之禁允、利益之賞罰管教之,要合法理。 We shall manage immature people as mature people, by allowance or restriction of their rights, or rewards or penalties of their interests, so as to fit in with laws and principles.

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I doubt.
Civil is brutal and law only serve for the authority,so physical punishments is fit to the purpose of education.

Narvis the Cloud 提到...

The announcement is idealistic, for we to keep our dream.