Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Stock Market

長線,係指以過去特定時點至現在時點為範圍之股價對時間之趨勢線[1]。 A long line means the trend line[1] of a stock price with respect to time within the period from a certain past time to the present time.
未來股價,扣除長線延伸至上開未來時點所得之偏值後,剩餘之變動不可預測。 A future stock price from which we subtract the offset derived by extending a long line to said future time remains variation unexpectable.
技術操作,純以前開變動之趨勢線為預測之基礎者,獲利期望值為零。 A technical operation which expects only based on the trend line of foresaid variation makes a profit with an expectancy of zero.
大戶之短線操作,主觀上與長線相關。但上開主觀未經客觀化[2]者,於預測未來股價不生助益。 A major stockholder's short line operation is subjectively related to a long line. However, said subjectiveness, before objectified[2], does not help for expecting a future stock price.


[1] 係函數。 It is a function.
[2] 即經公開而對世發生波函數崩塌。 That is, bringing about its wavefunction collapsing to the public through publication.
