Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Method to Keep an Emotion[1]

感動,應即時冷凍而冰覆之,使上開冰覆經刳剔重現上開感動。是以上開冷凍不以熄滅,反以駐存上開感動為目的;又倘不即時為之,則感動自然熄滅,無以駐存,乃至空虛。 An emotion shall be timely frozen with an ice shell, such that dissecting the ice shell revives the emotion. Here, the freeze is not to extinguish, but to keep the emotion; moreover, without timely freeze, the emotion will extinguish as a matter of course, and will not keep, and finally become in void.
之所以冰覆,以其冰冷之實體,喻於理則也,而以其披覆之作用,喻於形式也。綜觀全貌,實則後設命題也。 The ice shell is a metaphor to logic, for it is of an substance of its iciness, as well as a metaphor to form, for it is of a function of its coverage. In conclusion, the ice shell is a metaproposition.


[1] 甚慟香港之時勢,深覺感動之易逝,爰為此文,以資紀念。 I am moved by Hong Kong's tendency, and aware of my elapsing emotion, so I write this article for memory.
