Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The People out of the Relation to Buddha

典:《大智度論》 Scripture: Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom
卷:大智度初品中放光釋論之餘(卷第九) Volume: (Same)
經文編號:T25n1509_p0125c05(01)-T25n1509_p0125c19(03) Text number: (Same)
如說:舍衛城中九億家,三億家眼見佛,三億家耳聞有佛而眼不見,三億家不聞不見。佛在舍衛國二十五年,而此眾生不聞不見,何況遠者! For example, in Sravasti City were 9 billion families, wherein 3 billion could see Buddha, another 3 billion could hear but could not see Buddha, and further another 3 billion could neither hear nor see Buddha. Buddha had lived in Sravasti City for 25 years, and there were still some people here who could neither hear nor see Buddha, say nothing of further people.
復次,佛與阿難入舍衛城乞食,是時有一貧老母立在道頭。 Then, Buddha and Ananda when into Sravasti City to beg for food, at that time, a poor old woman stood on the intersection.
阿難白佛:「此人可愍,佛應當度。」 Ananda said to Buddha: "This person is pitiful, so Buddha should relieve her."
佛語阿難:「是人無因緣。」 Buddha told Ananda: "This person is out of relation to Buddha."
阿難言:「佛往近之,此人見佛相好光明,發歡喜心,為作因緣。」 Ananda said: "When Buddha go near to her, she will see Buhhda's good and bright appearance, and will show a happy mood, to build a relation."
佛往近之,迴身背佛;佛從四邊往,便四向背佛,仰面上向;佛從上來,低頭下向;佛從地出,兩手覆眼不肯視佛。 When Buddha went near to her, she turned her back to Buddha; when Buddha went to her from four directions, she turned here back to Buddha in four sides, rising her head, looking upward; when Buddha went from the heaven, she lowered her head, looking downward; when Buddha emerged from the earth, she covered her eyes with her hands, unwilling to see Buddha.
佛語阿難:「復欲作何因緣?」 Buddha told Ananda: "Any way else to build an relation?"
有如是人無度因緣,不得見佛。以是故佛言:「佛難得值,如優曇波羅樹華。」譬如水雨雖多、處處易得,餓鬼常渴、不能得飲。 There were this kind of people, who could not see Buddha. Therefore Buddha said: "Buddha is hard to come by, as Udumbara's flower." As that, even if the rainy water is plenty, and is easy to get everywhere, those hungry ghosts remains thirsty, and cannot drink any of it.
