Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Autobiography versus the Resume

應徵時,自傳是履歷的一部分;然而,打開百科全書,看看那些雋永的人物會發現,履歷是自傳的一部分。 When applying for a job, an autobiography is a part of a resume, but let us open an encyclopedia, looking those meaningful figures, we will find out that, a resume is a part of an autobiography for them.
重視物質的資本主義,為了有效生產,要求人們將自己標籤化為各種學經歷,以便評估、揀選、利用他們,就像對待家電用品,去斟酌它們的耗電量、續航力、保固期間等。 Capitalism, which emphases materials, for the purpose of efficient production, asks people to label themselves with their education histories and work histories, in order to simply evaluate, pick over and make use of them, as does to the appliances, caring about their energy consumption, electrical storage or warranty periods.
而學經歷這兩個詞,著實成為一種諷刺,因為人們完全忘記,或不願回想學習與經驗的「歷程」,只求得了「結果」。 How ironic are the words "education history" and "work history"? Since people have forgot, or does not want to review their "histories" during their education and during their works. All they got are the results of the histories.
這使得人們不擅於回答:「我是誰?」卻會流利地回答:「我是什麼?」事實上,第一個問題需要用自傳,亦即,整個人生來回答。 As a consequence, people are not good at answering: "Who am I?" But they can fluently answer: "What am I?" In fact, we shall answer the first question with our autobiographies, that is, our whole lives.
