Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Power and Rights

先有權力(power),後有權利(right)。 We shall have power first, then we may have rights.
權利,顧名思義就是「受權力保障的利益」,沒有權力的人不可能享有權利。 Rights, by definition, are "the benefits guaranteed by power", and one without power is without rights.
權力(power)之來自於強力(force),猶如在物理中,電功率(power)之來自於電力(force),可見對西方人而言,兩者的因果互相類比。 Power comes from force, and we can compare it as, in physics, electrical power comes from electrical force. By this, we can see, to western people, these two causality are analogy to each other.
強力,即「強迫他人服從之力」,主要包括:暴力與財力,在巨觀上,就是軍事與經濟。何以這兩種力可以強迫他人服從呢?因為它們直接關係到人的生命:暴力可以致死,財力可以維生。 Force, which is "the capability that compel others to obey", mainly includes: violence and wealth, and macroscopiccally, they become military and economy. How can these two capabilities compel others to obey? Since they are directly related to people's lives: violence causes deaths, and wealth brings up lives.
然而,「進化者」只需要最少的暴力、最少的財力就能生存。生存之外,就是生活。他們追求「持存之美」。 However, "the evoluters" demand least violence and least wealth to make lives. Beside making lives, they make livings. They pursue "the beauty of standing".
於是,他們就從物質層昇華至至少第一後設層[1]。 Hence, they can ascend from the material layer onto at least the first metalayer.


[1] 〈高密度社會之後設層疊〉 Refer to The Metalayers for the Highly Dense Society.
