Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Materializer's Date Conditions

就物之質、量設定條件於交往對象者,實已物化眾人。此類唯物者[1],非主觀上自我物化,不能維持觀念之自洽,又因其觀念之狹隘,不能覺察人格之美,更已客觀上自我物化,則此類主客觀上皆物化者,應不享有權利能力[2]。 One who sets conditions for a date object based on the qualities or the quantities of things has actually materialized people. This kind of materializer[1] can only maintain the consistency of his concept by subjectively self-materialization, and also, he has been objectively self-materialized, since he cannot recognize the beauty of personality, due to the illiberality of his concept, and as a result, this kind of subjectively and objectively materialized one shall not enjoy the human rights[2].
人與物[3],不能交往,要屬當然。 Of course, a person cannot date a thing[3].


[1] 唯物者與唯物論者,尚有差別:前者無思想,後者有思想。 A materializer and a materialist are different: the former is thoughtless, while the latter is thoughtful.
[2] 不是人,故應剝奪其權利能力,將其論為禽獸,甚或產物。 He is not a person, so we shall deprive his human rights, and regard him as an animal or a product.
[3] 指唯物者。 It refers to a materializer.
