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第2篇第3章第1節 | Volume.2, Chapter.3, Section.1 | ||
運作⊃轉移⊃因果 | Application⊃Transition⊃Causality | ||
§ 1 | I | 因,係特定事物之集合。 | A cause is a set of certain things. |
II | 果,係因之映射。 | An effect is the mapping of a cause. | |
III | 前項映射,未必時變或空變。 | The mapping in the preceding paragraph is not necessary to be time-variant or space-variant. | |
§ 2 | 因與果,可分別具有特定範圍之海森堡不確定性。 | A cause and its effect can have Heinsberg's uncertainties with certain ranges, respectively. | |
§ 3 | I | 因果集合,係若干因與若干果之集合。 | A causal set is a set of causes and effects. |
II | 因果路徑,係具有特定偏序關係之因果集合。 | A causal route is a causal set with a partially ordering relation. | |
§ 4 | I | 觀察,在已發生後不影響事物之海森堡不確定性。 | An observation has no influence on a thing's Heinsberg's uncertainty after it happened. |
II | 由觀察因果路徑之一部所推定之因果路徑與已發生之因果路徑相同者,該觀察為完全觀察;其不同者,該觀察為不完全觀察。 | If the causal route conjectured by an obersevation on a part of a causal route and the happened causal route are same, said observation is a complete obeservation; if they are different, said observation is an incomplete observation. | |
§ 5 | I | 因果路徑,非由自由意志,不可改變之。 | A causal route can be changed only by a free will. |
II | 前項改變前後之因果集合,至少具有一不同偏序關係。 | The causal sets before and after the change in the preceding paragraph have at least one different partially ordering relation. | |
§ 6 | I | 因果節點,係自由意志所可改變因果路徑之時空點。 | A causal node is a space-time point at which a free will can change a causal route. |
II | 因果節點之集合,在因果路徑上未必離散。 | A set of causal nodes is not necessary to be discrete. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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2-3-1 因果
The Materializer's Date Conditions
就物之質、量設定條件於交往對象者,實已物化眾人。此類唯物者[1],非主觀上自我物化,不能維持觀念之自洽,又因其觀念之狹隘,不能覺察人格之美,更已客觀上自我物化,則此類主客觀上皆物化者,應不享有權利能力[2]。 | One who sets conditions for a date object based on the qualities or the quantities of things has actually materialized people. This kind of materializer[1] can only maintain the consistency of his concept by subjectively self-materialization, and also, he has been objectively self-materialized, since he cannot recognize the beauty of personality, due to the illiberality of his concept, and as a result, this kind of subjectively and objectively materialized one shall not enjoy the human rights[2]. |
人與物[3],不能交往,要屬當然。 | Of course, a person cannot date a thing[3]. |
[1] | 唯物者與唯物論者,尚有差別:前者無思想,後者有思想。 | A materializer and a materialist are different: the former is thoughtless, while the latter is thoughtful. |
[2] | 不是人,故應剝奪其權利能力,將其論為禽獸,甚或產物。 | He is not a person, so we shall deprive his human rights, and regard him as an animal or a product. |
[3] | 指唯物者。 | It refers to a materializer. |
The Poetry of Drifting
從青澀之狂動兮,逐曠野至無邊。 | Follow the youthful desire, and speed up the driver. |
令熾熱之暴泛兮,嚮群星而不厭。 | Feel the burning heart, and catch up the meteors. |
沐應許之輝光兮,自迸發其璨然。 | Immerse in lights of promise, and turn into a shiner. |
流傳說之風采兮,更焦渴於永遠。 | Leave a tale of marvel, and carry on forever. |
The Evaluations of Normality, Abnormality, Legality and Illegality
【正常者之實體上積極評價】 |
[Substantially Active Evaluation of Normality] |
正常者[1],無聊也。 | Normality[1] is boring. |
【非法者之實體上消極評價】 |
[Substantially Passive Evaluation of Present Illegality] |
非法者[2],無以苟同也。但現在非非法者,不在此限。 | Illegality[2] is disagreeable, except that it becomes legal at present. |
【合法之異常者之實體上積極評價】 |
[Substantially Active Evaluation of Legal Abnormality] |
合法之異常者,世界之所以有趣也。 | Legal abnormality makes the world interesting. |
【滿足後設上完備性之評價擬制】 |
[Evaluation Fiction for Metacompleteness] |
自得其樂者,除以非法為有趣者外,以合法之異常者論。 | Who finds joy in his own, except who is interested in illegality, is deemed with legal abnormality. |
[1] | 正常者,當然合法。 | Normality is legal, of course. |
[2] | 非法者,當然異常。 | Illegality is abnormal, of course. |
Types of Complaint
法律上抱怨[1],可能解消抱怨標的。 | A legal complaint[1] is possible to resolve the complaint subject. |
非法律上抱怨,而使對造情理上屈從者,可能解消抱怨標的。 | A non-legal complaint which makes the opposite party sentimentally give in is possible to resolve the complaint subject. |
抱怨,不能解消抱怨標的,又不能紓壓[2]者,了無意義;甚至打擾傾聽人者,應不為之。 | A complaint can neither resolve the complaint subject nor give a relax[2] is meaningless; furthermore, if it suffers the listener of the complaint, we shall not do it. |
[1] | 例如:請願、訴願、訴訟。 | For example, petitions, appeals or litigations. |
[2] | 抱怨如可紓壓,非無實益。惟抱怨如更添壓,應認不智之舉。 | If the complaint can give a relax, there is still some real advantage. However, if the complaint brings about more pleasure, it is unwise to do it. |
The Evaluation of the Motives of Study
The motives of study are orderly evaluated as follows :
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