Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Foreign Language Ability

  1. 生活層次:
  2. 知識層次:
  3. 法律層次:
There are three levels of the foreign language ability:
  1. The level of life:
    For gossips, travels and so on; it can be simple and casual.
  2. The level of knowledge:
    For researches, reports and so on; it is better to be rich and detailed.
  3. The level of law:
    For management, negotiation and so on; it must be accurate and complete.
許多人以為,具備了生活層次的外語能力,就能融入外國文化,殊不知只達到了三種層次之一。 Most people think they can adapt to a foreign culture, if they have the foreign language ability in the level of live. They do not know they just reach one level of the three.
不過,就算是母語使用者,能達到知識層次、法律層次的人,也是少之又少,所以不期不待,僅發表酸文一篇。 However, even for native speakers, only few of them can reach the level of knowledge or the level of law, so I do not expect common people make any surprise. Here, I just mock at myself for pleasure.
