Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Euthanasia Statement

茲聲明本人吳爾軒關於安樂死之主張如次: Here I, Wu, Er-Hsuan state my claims about euthanasia, as follows:

本聲明之重製或改作,仍應注意〈著作權聲明書〉 To reproduce or adapt this statement, please still notice Copyright Statement.

第一節 總則 Section.1 The General Principles
§ 1
本人為免於生命之劣化、人格之風化、身體之物化、經濟之弱化、社會之分化、權利義務之異化,為顯現自由意志所表彰人類文化之終極意義,本於《憲法》而為本聲明。 I am to avoid the life from degeneration, the personality from erosion, the body from materialization, the economics from reduction, the society from disunion, the rights and obligations from alienation, to show the ultimate meaning of human culture represented by the free will, based on the Constitution, making this statement.
§ 2 I 本人籲請國家,關於安樂死,積極制定、解釋、適用法律。 I urge the country to actively enact, explain and apply the laws about euthanasia.

II 本人籲請本人家屬、代理人、輔助人、監護人、公或私法人暨所屬單位或其他利害關係人,關於本人生死問題,遵從本聲明之意思。 I urge my family members, agents, assistants, guardians, public or private judicial persons and their departments or other interested persons to follow the wills of this statement about the issues of my life and death.

III 本人籲請公民,絕對排除一切妨礙本人生死決定權之非法或不當干涉。 I urge the citizens absolutely exclude any illegal or improper interference which obstructs my right to determine my life and death.
§ 3
本人之同意,除本聲明另有規定者外,以書面為之。但遇有急迫危險時,以口頭為之。 My consent will be written, except as otherwise prescribed in this statement. But in case of dangerous emergency, it will be oral.
§ 4
本人籲請法院,依法或循法理,對依本聲明對本人為行為而成為被告之人,諭知無罪之判決。 I urge the courts to pronounce by laws or with judicial theories a sentence of not guilty on the persons who become defendants since they act to me according to this statement.

第二節 安樂死之要件 Section.2 The Requirements of Euthanasia
§ 5 I 本人腦部重創時,家屬應尋求醫師對本人實施急救。但本人身體多處有殘缺、衰竭或病變,經醫師認定急救違背人道時,不在此限。 When I meet a serious brain injury, my family members shall seek a doctor for my first aid. But in case that my body has multiple mutilation, dysfunction or cytopathy, and the doctor estimates that the first aid is contrary to humanity, they may not do it.

II 本人腦部重創,致不能為或受意思表示時,家屬應聲請法院對本人為監護宣告。 When I meet a serious brain injury, and I cannot make or accept expressions of intents as a result, my family members shall apply the court to declare a guardianship for me.
§ 6 I 本人腦部重創,致不能為或受意思表示時,監護人應至少尋求三位分屬不同醫院之腦神經科醫師對本人實施初診斷。 When I meet a serious brain injury, and I cannot make or accept expressions of intents as a result, my guardian shall seek the first diagnosis for me by at least 3 neurological doctors from different hospitals.

II 第八條再診斷及第十條第一項最後診斷,準用前項規定,且不限於相同醫師。 The provision in the preceding paragraph may apply analogically to the re-diagnosis in Article 8 and the final diagnosis in paragraph I of Article 10, and the doctors are not necessary to be same.

III 由合法醫師依醫療常規實施之侵入性措施,以本人不能為或受意思表示為限,視為經本人同意。 Invasive treatments executed by legal doctors according to the medical custom is deemed having obtained my consent, only when I cannot make or accept expressions of intents.
§ 7 I 初診斷之醫師多數認定本人病情符合植物人定義時,確認本人為植物人。 When the majority of the doctors who participate in the first diagnosis estimate that my syndrome conforms to the definition of vegetative person, I am confirmed to be a vegetative person.

II 各醫師得本於不同學說之植物人定義而為前項認定。但學說之採用,不得違背論理及經驗法則。 Every doctor may determine it based on the definitions of vegetative person in different theories. But they shall not adopt the theories contrarily to logic and experience.
§ 8
自確認本人為植物人起,對本人實施治療一年後,監護人應尋求對本人實施再診斷。 After a therapy for me for 1 year after I am confirmed to be a vegetative person, my guardian shall seek the re-diagnosis for me.
§ 9
  1. 本人已能為及受意思表示。
  2. 再診斷或最後診斷之醫師多數認定本人病情已明顯改善。
I am confirmed not to be a vegetative person in one of the following conditions:
  1. I can already make and accept expressions of intents.
  2. The majority of the doctors who participate in the re-diagnosis or final diagnosis estimate that my syndrome apparently ameliorates.
§ 10 I 自再診斷之醫師多數認定本人病情未明顯改善起,對本人實施再治療三個月後,監護人應尋求對本人實施最後診斷。 After the re-therapy for me for 3 months after the majority of the doctors who participate in the re-diagnosis estimate that my syndrome does not apparently ameliorate, my guardian shall seek the final diagnosis for me.

II 最後診斷之醫師多數認定本人病情未明顯改善時,監護人得尋求對本人實施安樂死。 When the majority of the doctors who participate in the final diagnosis estimate that my syndrome does not apparently ameliorate, my guardian may seek a euthanasia for me.
§ 11
本人身體多處殘缺、衰竭或病變更有惡化,經再診斷或最後診斷之醫師多數認定強制維生違背人道時,監護人應尋求於三個月內對本人實施安樂死。 When the multiple mutilation, dysfunction or cytopathy in my body continues deteriorating, and the majority of the doctors who participate in the re-diagnosis or final diagnosis estimate that the compulsory life support is contrary to humanity, my guardian shall seek a euthanasia for me within 3 months.

第三節 安樂死之實施 Section.3 The Execution of Euthanasia
§ 12
安樂死為法律所禁止時,監護人得將本人移送至安樂死之合法地區實施之。 If the laws prohibit euthanasia in the country, my guardian may send me to the region legal for euthanasia to execute it.
§ 13
安樂死,由合法醫師依醫療常規實施之。 My euthanasia shall be executed by legal doctors according to the medical custom.
§ 14
安樂死,應以迅速、有效且客觀上舒適之作為或不作為方式實施之。 My euthanasia shall be executed by a quick, efficient, and objectively comfortable actions or inactions.
§ 15
依本聲明對本人實施之安樂死,視為經本人同意。 A euthanasia executed on me according to this statement is deemed having obtained my consent.

第四節 效力 Section.4 The Effect
§ 16 I 依本聲明對本人為行為之行為人或共同行為人,不負民事責任。 The actor or joint actors who act to me according to this statement is not liable for civil responsibility.

II 家屬違背本聲明者,除特留分外,不得繼承。 A family member who acts contrarily to this statement shall not inherit my property, except his compulsory portion.
§ 17 I 本聲明之一部或全部,除有下列情形之一者外,持續有效:
  1. 經撤回。
  2. 關於本人生死問題,有更新之聲明。
A part of the whole of this statement remains its effect, except in one of the following conditions:
  1. It is withdrawn.
  2. There is a renewal statement about the issues of my life and death.

II 前項各款行為,僅得由本人為之;其由代理人為之者,不予承認。 The acts in the items in the preceding paragraph can only be acted by me; I will not admit the act acted by an agency.
§ 18
本聲明公開日期為西元二〇一四年十二月三十一日。 This statement was published on December 31, 2014.
