Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Fundamental of Human

詩、書、禮、樂之屬,文化之所在也。 Such as poetry, literature, manners and music are of culture.
吃、喝、拉、撒之類,經濟之所求也。 Such as food, drink, shit and piss are of economics.
人之有別於禽獸,在乎文化創造;至於經濟本能,反而與其無異,故絕文化而屈經濟者,恆有體質上智缺,所言迂論,洵無可採。 The difference between humans and animals is the creation of culture, whereas their instincts of economics are the same, so those who give up culture and give in to economics have inherently mental defects, and their theories are too stupid to accept.
又當今之世,或迷信經濟,致私慾甚禽獸、惡鬥甚禽獸、陰險甚禽獸,不可曰人,且更下乎禽獸。 Nowadays, some having blind faith in economics become more selfish than animals do, more violent than animals do, and more deceitful than animals do, thus shall be deemed subhumans, which are lower than animals.
當知文化為主,經濟為僕,以明人之根本。 We shall recognize that, culture shall be the master, and economics shall be its servant, and see that, culture is the fundamental of human.
