外觀上原諒,謂怨恨不顯於外者。 |
The apparent forgiveness means not to show the hate for one. |
法律上原諒,謂依法得追究,而不追究者。 |
The legal forgiveness means not to sue one, even if he is legally suable. |
理論上原諒,謂斟酌論理及經驗法則,而抑制怨恨者。 |
The theoretical forgiveness means to suppress the hate for one, after logical and experiential consideration. |
實質上原諒,謂完全釋懷者。 |
The substantial forgiveness means to completely release the hate for one. |
前開等原諒,係依難度順次排列,而依強度逆次包絡。 |
Foresaid types of forgiveness are ordered in the aspect of difficulty, while the preceding ones are included in the following ones in the aspect of their intensity. |