Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Condition for Sense of Humor

A sense of humor, is a pleasure caused by the fact that one mentally associates the content of a joke with the real experience, and finds the interesting point by comparing the two.
  1. 提供笑話於自己或他人。
  2. 肯定他人之笑話;不以表示為必要。
Forms of sense of humor include:
  1. to give a joke to self or other.
  2. to agree with other's joke; the agreement is not necessary to be expressed.
  1. 智商。
  2. 見識。
  3. 謙遜。
  4. 慈悲。
A humor of sense is positively correlate with:
  1. intelligence.
  2. knowledge.
  3. modesty.
  4. mercy
聯想,係對兩事物經上位化所呈現之相關性所為之理解。 A mental association is the comprehension with the correlation between two things observed by superordination.

The strength of mental association comprises of the speed of mental association and the scope of mental association.

The speed of mental association depends on the fundamentals of intelligence such as the capacity of memory, the bridging of nerves, the transition of signals and the algorithm of data in a brain; as well as a sense of humor does.
雖有聯想之速度,但缺乏現實經驗作為聯想之材料者,仍難謂有聯想力,故見識係聯想力所不可或缺者;對幽默感,亦同。 We do not say one is full of the strength of mental association who has the speed of mental association, but lacks the real experience being the material for association. This proves that, knowledge is a necessary component for the strength of mental association; as well as for a sense of humor.
  1. 肯定。
  2. 不肯定,亦不否定。
  3. 否定。
Methods to response a joke includes:
  1. to agree with it.
  2. neither to agree with it nor criticize it.
  3. to criticize it.
因自己之偏好,不肯定他人之笑話,要難非難;惟非基於法定事由,而因自己之偏好,否定他人之笑話者,以其不知自省之故,不可謂謙遜也。 We do not blame one who disagree other's joke based on his own preference; however, if one criticizes other's joke based on his own preference without legal reason, since he cannot make introspection, we say he is immodest.
實質上內心不認為幽默,而外觀上表示幽默感者,具有慈悲心。 We say one is merciful who apparently express his sense of humor for something, even if he substantially think it is humorless in his mind.
