Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Method to Keep an Emotion[1]

感動,應即時冷凍而冰覆之,使上開冰覆經刳剔重現上開感動。是以上開冷凍不以熄滅,反以駐存上開感動為目的;又倘不即時為之,則感動自然熄滅,無以駐存,乃至空虛。 An emotion shall be timely frozen with an ice shell, such that dissecting the ice shell revives the emotion. Here, the freeze is not to extinguish, but to keep the emotion; moreover, without timely freeze, the emotion will extinguish as a matter of course, and will not keep, and finally become in void.
之所以冰覆,以其冰冷之實體,喻於理則也,而以其披覆之作用,喻於形式也。綜觀全貌,實則後設命題也。 The ice shell is a metaphor to logic, for it is of an substance of its iciness, as well as a metaphor to form, for it is of a function of its coverage. In conclusion, the ice shell is a metaproposition.


[1] 甚慟香港之時勢,深覺感動之易逝,爰為此文,以資紀念。 I am moved by Hong Kong's tendency, and aware of my elapsing emotion, so I write this article for memory.



革命,非於有限系統,不可為之。 A revolution cannot occur out of a finite system.
  1. 新增[1]相對實質命題。
  2. 並列[2]新命題群。
  3. 經鬥爭[3]新增後設命題。
  4. 取得後設上[4]安定。
A revolution occurs when a system does as follows in turn:
  1. Add[1] a relatively substantial proposition.
  2. Try to equalize[2] each proposition.
  3. Through a conflict[3] add a metaproposition.
  4. Metaistically[4] settle in.
  1. 一部建設性。
  2. 全部破壞性。
  3. 一時鬥爭性。
  4. 向後安定性。
Corresponding to:
  1. the partial constructivity.
  2. the whole destructivity.
  3. the temporary conflictivity.
  4. the prospective stability.


[1] 藉激發或引進。 By stimulation or import.
[2] 並列,於有限系統中,非經褫奪原命題地位,不可為之。 An equalization in a finite system occurs only by deprivation of the statuses of the old propositions.
[3] 或曰依鬥爭之結果。 Or according to the result of a conflict.
[4] 後設主義地。 Of Metaism.


The Mystery of Go

圍棋是一門經濟學,也是一門政治學。 Go is of Economics and of Politics.
棋盤縱19路,橫19路,共有361個交叉點。人工智慧必須計算361!、將近10^768個變化圖才能必勝,可是,動用宇宙所有資源,也不可能計算完畢,因此,圍棋沒有必勝法。不過,在局部範圍內,譬如:一個小角落的變化,則可能計算完畢。 A Go board has 19 vertical lines, 19 horizontal lines, and 361 cross points. If there is an artificial intelligence, it shall compute 361!, about 10^768 possibilities in order to certainly win the game, therefore, Go has no sure-fire way. However, in a local region, for example, in a small corner, we can still complete our computation of all possibilities.
  1. 局部的確定性。
  2. 全局的不確定性。
This shows that, Go includes 2 properties:
  1. Local certainty.
  2. Universal uncertainty.
  1. 細算力,有賴於清楚的邏輯,以計算出唯一必然的路徑。
  2. 大局觀,有賴於豐富的經驗,以嘗試出可能最佳的變化。
Corresponding to 2 techniques for Go:
  1. Calculation, which depends on one's clear logic, in order to compute the only and the necessary route.
  2. Conception, which depends on one's plentiful experience, in order to discover a probably best possibility.
細算力和大局觀,即邏輯及經驗,都屬於經濟學的範疇。 Calculation and conception, logic and experience, all belong to Economics.
至於政治學,乃是「從眾多選項收斂為一」的抉擇過程。 While Politics is a choosing process which makes several choices converge into one.
若是老手對抗生手,由於邏輯及經驗相距懸殊,經濟學主導了全局的走勢,政治學便隱而不彰。唯有當雙方實力相當時,尤其當一方「局勢落後」時,圍棋的政治學就悄悄現身了。 In the case that a master versus a freshmen, since they are badly mismatch in the aspects of logic and of experience, Economics dominates the tendency of the game, and Politics tarnishes. Only when two parties are well-matched, but one is "in an inferior situation", can we feel Politics' influence.
試問,何謂「局勢落後」呢?固然是邏輯上絕望、經驗上也悲觀的情況,亦即,經細算力計算是死路一條、由大局觀判斷也是無力回天的情況,申言之,經濟學徹底失靈的情況。 What does it mean "in an inferior situation"? Without doubt, it means a situation which is logically desperate and experientially pessimistic, or a situation which is, by calculation, death and, with conception, doom, furthermore, a situation which Economics fails to work.
  1. 是爽快認輸?
  2. 是繼續掙扎?
    1. 是循規蹈矩,無疾而終?
    2. 是不按牌理,放手一搏?
      1. 是有勇無謀,橫衝直撞?
      2. 是運籌帷幄,暗藏機關?
Even if logic and experience are invalid, we still have to make decisions:
  1. to resign at once?
  2. to keep struggling?
    1. to stick to the rules, and finally get lost?
    2. to make a breakthrough, and now bet on it?
      1. to ramp around?
      2. to deliberate a plot?
  1. 認輸是一種解脫,卻難道不會遺恨千古嗎?
  2. 掙扎是一種奮鬥,卻難道不懂善罷甘休嗎?
  3. 如是種種。
Through such decisions, several choices converge into one, so the process belongs to Politics. And the way to make decisions is related to one's values:
  1. Resign is a kind of relief, but is it not regrettable?
  2. Struggle is a kind of endeavor, but is it not shameful?
  3. Something like that.
是故,學棋之人,思路之清晰,可想而知。他們在棋盤上思考著,在棋盤外也忖度著;在比賽中使勁,在人生中也賣力。你若不順著他們的眼光看向未來,你就休想看懂他們。 Therefore, we can expect that, those who learn Go shall be considerably considerate. They think much on the board, and also have many ideas out of the board; they try their best in their games, and also do all they can in their lives. If you do not look along their sight to the future, you cannot completely understand them.


The Pleasure in Classical Chinese

我對文言文是樂在其中的。 I take much pleasure in classical Chinese.
  1. 辭典艱澀。
  2. 章句冗長。
  3. 語意模糊。
In my opinion, classical Chinese has 3 advantages as follows:
  1. The words are complex.
  2. The sentences are redundant.
  3. The meanings are ambiguous.
這些怎麼會是優點呢?回顧古代,文人通常是衣食無虞之人。閒來無事,就必須設法殺時間。俗則飲酒作樂,雅則吟詩作對。 How do these become advantages? Reviewing in the ancient time, the intelligentsia usually lives in affluence and leisure, thus they may try something to kill the time, such as drinking in a vulgar way, or writings in an elegant way.
無論為文或讀文,辭典艱澀,便須上下斟酌;章句冗長,便須左右品味;語意模糊,便須前後推敲,故採文言文即可大殺時間。 Regardless of writing or reading, if the words are complex, we shall wrestled over them; if the sentences are redundant, we shall ponder on them; if the meanings are ambiguous, we shall deliberate about them, so we can easily kill the time when communicating in classical Chinese.
非空虛無聊到此等地步之人,是難以體會這種閒情逸致的。 Only the most bored ones realize the joy of it.


Power and Rights

先有權力(power),後有權利(right)。 We shall have power first, then we may have rights.
權利,顧名思義就是「受權力保障的利益」,沒有權力的人不可能享有權利。 Rights, by definition, are "the benefits guaranteed by power", and one without power is without rights.
權力(power)之來自於強力(force),猶如在物理中,電功率(power)之來自於電力(force),可見對西方人而言,兩者的因果互相類比。 Power comes from force, and we can compare it as, in physics, electrical power comes from electrical force. By this, we can see, to western people, these two causality are analogy to each other.
強力,即「強迫他人服從之力」,主要包括:暴力與財力,在巨觀上,就是軍事與經濟。何以這兩種力可以強迫他人服從呢?因為它們直接關係到人的生命:暴力可以致死,財力可以維生。 Force, which is "the capability that compel others to obey", mainly includes: violence and wealth, and macroscopiccally, they become military and economy. How can these two capabilities compel others to obey? Since they are directly related to people's lives: violence causes deaths, and wealth brings up lives.
然而,「進化者」只需要最少的暴力、最少的財力就能生存。生存之外,就是生活。他們追求「持存之美」。 However, "the evoluters" demand least violence and least wealth to make lives. Beside making lives, they make livings. They pursue "the beauty of standing".
於是,他們就從物質層昇華至至少第一後設層[1]。 Hence, they can ascend from the material layer onto at least the first metalayer.


[1] 〈高密度社會之後設層疊〉 Refer to The Metalayers for the Highly Dense Society.


The Two Skills of Apple Inc.

一群藝術家談論著作品的風格,令人興致索然。 Dull is that, artists are talking about their work styles.
一群工程師談論著產品的規格,也是令人興致缺缺。 Also, tedious is that, engineers are talking about their product specification.
惟若一群藝術家談論起了規格,或若一群工程師談論起了風格,必令人耳目一新。 However, fresh shall be that, artists begin to talk about specification, or that engineers begin to talk about styles.


The People out of the Relation to Buddha

典:《大智度論》 Scripture: Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom
卷:大智度初品中放光釋論之餘(卷第九) Volume: (Same)
經文編號:T25n1509_p0125c05(01)-T25n1509_p0125c19(03) Text number: (Same)
如說:舍衛城中九億家,三億家眼見佛,三億家耳聞有佛而眼不見,三億家不聞不見。佛在舍衛國二十五年,而此眾生不聞不見,何況遠者! For example, in Sravasti City were 9 billion families, wherein 3 billion could see Buddha, another 3 billion could hear but could not see Buddha, and further another 3 billion could neither hear nor see Buddha. Buddha had lived in Sravasti City for 25 years, and there were still some people here who could neither hear nor see Buddha, say nothing of further people.
復次,佛與阿難入舍衛城乞食,是時有一貧老母立在道頭。 Then, Buddha and Ananda when into Sravasti City to beg for food, at that time, a poor old woman stood on the intersection.
阿難白佛:「此人可愍,佛應當度。」 Ananda said to Buddha: "This person is pitiful, so Buddha should relieve her."
佛語阿難:「是人無因緣。」 Buddha told Ananda: "This person is out of relation to Buddha."
阿難言:「佛往近之,此人見佛相好光明,發歡喜心,為作因緣。」 Ananda said: "When Buddha go near to her, she will see Buhhda's good and bright appearance, and will show a happy mood, to build a relation."
佛往近之,迴身背佛;佛從四邊往,便四向背佛,仰面上向;佛從上來,低頭下向;佛從地出,兩手覆眼不肯視佛。 When Buddha went near to her, she turned her back to Buddha; when Buddha went to her from four directions, she turned here back to Buddha in four sides, rising her head, looking upward; when Buddha went from the heaven, she lowered her head, looking downward; when Buddha emerged from the earth, she covered her eyes with her hands, unwilling to see Buddha.
佛語阿難:「復欲作何因緣?」 Buddha told Ananda: "Any way else to build an relation?"
有如是人無度因緣,不得見佛。以是故佛言:「佛難得值,如優曇波羅樹華。」譬如水雨雖多、處處易得,餓鬼常渴、不能得飲。 There were this kind of people, who could not see Buddha. Therefore Buddha said: "Buddha is hard to come by, as Udumbara's flower." As that, even if the rainy water is plenty, and is easy to get everywhere, those hungry ghosts remains thirsty, and cannot drink any of it.


The Speech and the Action

在日劇《HERO》第5話中,川原朝美(桜井幸子飾)說:「最不幸的,是被遺忘的女人。」[1]我覺得不只是被遺忘的女人,任何被遺忘的人都是最不幸的,彷彿不曾存在。 In the episode 5 of the Japanese drama HERO, Asami Kawahara (acted by Sachiko Sakurai) said: "The most pitiful one is the forgotten woman."[1] I think, not only a forgotten woman but also any forgotten person is the most pitiful one, as if he has never existed.
存在,包括:肉體的存在與精神的存在。要保有肉體存在過的證據,需要的是生兒育女;要保有精神存在過的證據,需要的是言說與行動。 The existence includes: the physical existence and the spiritual existence. To keep the evidence of the physical existence, one shall bear children, while to keep the witness of spiritual existence, one shall make speeches and actions.
然而,以愛因斯坦來說,他的父母是誰?兒女是誰?有人在乎嗎?他不朽的人格來自於他的種種言說與種種行動所構成的獨一無二的故事。 However, take Einstein for example, who are his parent? His children? Do anyone care about it? No, after all. His immortal character comes from his unique story constructed out of his speeches and actions.


[1] 原文:「一番不幸なのは、忘れられた女だと。」 The original sentence: "一番不幸なのは、忘れられた女だと。"


The Only Salvation through the Metahypotheses

凡內省覺察自身之與世界處於對立,剎現自身之飄渺於虛空中舉足徬徨者,獨因瞻仰後設層疊之巍峨,確信真理之真理均為猜想,更藉若干詮釋分割並重組世界,使各信念受包絡而相容,俾拾回佇立[1]之憑依。 Everyone who through an introspection becomes aware of the alienation between himself and the world, hence suddenly realizes that he is rootless and helpless in the void, may only due to a look-up to the marvel of the metalayers strongly believes that, true is that, all truths are hypotheses, therefore by interpretations divides and reassembles the world, in order to envelop every faith and make them consistent, on purpose to find back the reliance to stand[1].


[1] 即持存。 It means to persist.


The Autobiography versus the Resume

應徵時,自傳是履歷的一部分;然而,打開百科全書,看看那些雋永的人物會發現,履歷是自傳的一部分。 When applying for a job, an autobiography is a part of a resume, but let us open an encyclopedia, looking those meaningful figures, we will find out that, a resume is a part of an autobiography for them.
重視物質的資本主義,為了有效生產,要求人們將自己標籤化為各種學經歷,以便評估、揀選、利用他們,就像對待家電用品,去斟酌它們的耗電量、續航力、保固期間等。 Capitalism, which emphases materials, for the purpose of efficient production, asks people to label themselves with their education histories and work histories, in order to simply evaluate, pick over and make use of them, as does to the appliances, caring about their energy consumption, electrical storage or warranty periods.
而學經歷這兩個詞,著實成為一種諷刺,因為人們完全忘記,或不願回想學習與經驗的「歷程」,只求得了「結果」。 How ironic are the words "education history" and "work history"? Since people have forgot, or does not want to review their "histories" during their education and during their works. All they got are the results of the histories.
這使得人們不擅於回答:「我是誰?」卻會流利地回答:「我是什麼?」事實上,第一個問題需要用自傳,亦即,整個人生來回答。 As a consequence, people are not good at answering: "Who am I?" But they can fluently answer: "What am I?" In fact, we shall answer the first question with our autobiographies, that is, our whole lives.