Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The World Not the Universe

世界,非由眾人,不可構成。 The world must be constituted by people.
宇宙,雖無一人,亦可構成。 The universe may be constituted without a person.


Small World

人活在他的主觀上小世界中,是指他所承認的世界小於他所認知的世界。 A person is living in his subjectively small world means that the world he admits is smaller than the world he knows.
人活在他的客觀上小世界中,是指他所認知的世界小於他所承認的世界。 A person is living in his objectively small world means that the world he knows is smaller than the world he admits.
另外,人不可能認知全世界,故不必討論這個例子。 In addition, a person is impossible to know the whole world, so we do not have to discuss this case.


Free Wills Forming a Proper Class

倘一人存其自由意志以求廢其自由意志,則其自由意志之存廢已發生後設矛盾。 If one person possesses his free will to abandon his free will, a meta contradiction occurs for the present state of his free will.
是故,自由意志為真類,屬於不可觀察宇宙。 Hence, free wills forms a proper class, which belongs to the unobservable universe.


Boundary Condition for Ability to Recognize Living

嬰兒,於初生之際,因智力未成熟而無法認知活著。 An infant, at the time of his birth, is unable to recognize his living because his intelligence has not been developed.
老人,於因智力已退化而無法認知活著之際,臨死。 An old man, at the time when he is unable to recognize his living because his intelligence have been degraded, is about to die.
活著的認知,屬於後設認知。 The cognition of living is a metacognition.


Solitude of Sage

聖人包括純正奇點。 A sage includes a genuine singularity.
聖人超越哥德爾界限之部分,當然不可觀察。 A part of a sage beyond Godel's boundary is unobservable, of course.
在圍繞聖人之哥德爾界限處,無向內資訊通量,但有向外資訊通量。 On Godel's boundary around a sage, there is no inward information flow, but there is outward information flow.


Meta-anthropic Mechanism

起初,他覺得自己是人類,他擁有人性。 At first, he feels that he is a human, and he has humanity.
接著,他覺得人類是機械,他失去人性。 Then, he feels that a human is a machine, and he loses humanity.
最後,他覺得自己是機械,他揣摩人性,已知人性即為函數。 Finally, he feels that he is a machine, and he tries to understand humanity, and knows that humanity is exactly a function.
此即《後設人類機械論》辯證過程。 This is the dialectical process of the Meta-anthropic Mechanism.


Wish of One on the Higher Metalayer

於高後設層上,獨攬下景,併見美醜,已知舉措。 One stands on the higher metalayer, overlooking the lower landscape, where beautiful things and ugly things are both lying there, and he knows how to handle them.
欲眾人皆登高至此,乃物理上不可得。雖然,不失其願。 He wishes that everyone can climb onto this layer, but it is physically impossible. Even so, he still believe in it.


Staying Unchanged

我討厭改變。 I hate change.
有人期待改變,因為他期待由壞變好。 Some people want change because they want getting good from bad.
而我和身邊的一切已臻於完好,不需要改變。 While, everything around me and myself have been wonderful yet and need not change.
可是,他們改變了。 However, they changed.
所以,我勉強改變。 So I changed, unwillingly.


Set of Turing Test

軀體為物,但運算能力通過圖靈測試者,升格為人。 An entity is upgraded to a human if its computation ability passes the Turning Test, even if it has a body of thing.
軀體為人,但運算能力不通過圖靈測試者,降格為物。 An entity is downgraded to a thing if his computation ability does not pass the Turning Test, even if it has a body of human.
人至物之間可存在等第,由圖靈測試組定之。 There may be several grades between a human and a thing, defined by the Set of Turning Test.


Honest Way of Living

有些人習於隱瞞、模糊、或扭曲事實來做事。 Some people are used to concealing, obscuring, or distorting facts in their lives.
狡猾的人這麼做是以為自己可占到便宜;無知的人這麼做是以為誠實會招來麻煩。其結果,占到小便宜,失去大便宜;躲過小麻煩,招來大麻煩。這些都是愚蠢的表現。 A sly person does this because he thinks that he can get a profit; an ignorant person does this because he thinks that he will suffer a trouble because of his honesty. Finally, one gets a small profit but loses a big profit; one avoids a small trouble but suffers a big trouble. These are stupid behaviors.
聰明的人懂得坦然是最便利的處世之道。 A smart person knows that honesty is the most convenient way of living.
然而,坦然的先決條件是有自保的武器,遇到壞人利用我們的坦然來傷害我們的時候,反擊它;必要時,摧毀它。 However, a precondition of honesty is a weapon for self protection. When a bad person uses our honesty to hurt us, we shall fight back, and destroy him, if necessary.


Enemy at This Moment, Friend at That Moment

人之言行,固有百態。 People speak and act in various ways.
以一部善而全善之,不智。以一部惡而全惡之,不智。 It is not a wise decision either to accept everything of one person for his single good deed, or to refuse everything of one person for his single bad deed.
以一時善而恆善之,不智。以一時惡而恆惡之,不智。 It is not a wise decision either to accept one person forever for his good deed at one moment, or to refuse one person forever for his bad deed at one moment.
隨時觀察,應為敵時,敵之;應為友時,友之,始為正解。 We shall always treat one person as our enemy when he is detrimental to us, and as our friend when he is beneficial to us, based on our real-time observation.


Happiness without a Purpose

生命於不知目的前,可享無目的之樂,不可享有目的之樂。 Before we understand the meaning of "purpose", we can enjoy the happiness without a purpose, but cannot enjoy happiness with a purpose.
生命於知目的後,可享有目的之樂,難以享無目的之樂。蓋目的自無至有易,自有至無難。 After we understand the meaning of "purpose", we can enjoy happiness with a purpose, but hardly enjoy happiness without a purpose, because it is easy to seek a purpose but hard to leave a purpose.


Package of Claims

不可分之眾主張即為一主張之眾等價表述,而對於凡夫呈現不可分之假象。 Indivisible claims are actually equivalent expressions of a single claim, and it shows ordinary people to an illusion of indivisibility.
可分之眾主張,應逐一檢視其邏輯上、物理上與法律上之可行性。 In the face of divisible claims, we shall check the claims one by one for their logical, physical and legal possibilities.
未逐一檢視,唯因包裹有一好惡主張而好惡全包裹者,確屬不智。 It is indeed unwise to favor or disfavor a whole package in virtue only of a single favorable or unfavorable claim, without checking the claims one by one.


Cat, Book, and Coffee

必備貓與書與咖啡,始得為文青。 Only who is accompanied by a cat, a book, and a cup of coffee can be deemed a literary hipster.
不備其等之一,或僅備狗與書與咖啡、或貓與筆電與咖啡、或貓與書與奶茶、或諸如此類,不得為文青。 Who lacks any of them, or who is only accompanied by a dog, a book, and a cup of coffee, or a cat, a laptop, and a cup of coffee, or a cat, a book, and a cup of milk tea, or the like, cannot be deemed a literary hipster.


Legal Concurrence is a Misconception Due to Incomplete Induction

法律上競合,乃一事實受多數法條所規範,而論以何者生其效力之謂。 Legal concurrence means the theory to determine which provision prevails among plural provisions prescribed for one event.
惟此乃古人對於事實與法條之關係,歸納不全所致之錯覺。 However, it is a misconception due to incomplete induction with respect to the relation between events and provisions established in ancient times.
以電腦科學,使一事實受唯一法條所規範,而生其效力,實為輕而易舉。 In fact, it is very easy to prescribe, based on computer science, a unique provision taking effect for one event.


Novelty from the Edge of the World

不遊走於技術之邊緣,則無以創新。惟俗人憂其不現實。 Only do we play around the edge of technologies can we make some innovation. But mediocrities worry about the unreality.
不遊走於法律之邊緣,則無以革新。惟俗人憂其不道德。 Only do we play around the edge of laws can we make some reformation. But mediocrities worry about the immorality.
但遊走於邊緣之天才,與墜毀於谷底之蠢材,雖一線之隔,不可同日而語。 However, we shall not confuse geniuses who play around the edge and fools who crash into the valley even if there is a fine line between them.


Value in Action by Three-Dimensional Modeling

我的價值觀呈現為一張三維地圖。地圖的最高峰即是最理想的價值目標。 My values are presented as a three-dimensional model. The highest peak of the model is the most ideal value goal.
然而,通往最高峰的路徑不見得是直線。遇到峭壁時,我知道必須繞道。遇到懸崖時,我知道不可硬闖。因此,我不見得每個時刻都面對目標,也不見得每個時刻都向上爬升。但是,整體而言,我距離目標愈來愈近。 However, the path to the highest peak is not necessarily a straight line. I know that I have to detour when I see a cliff. I know that I cannot dash through it when I see a valley. Accordingly, neither do I always face the goal, nor do I always climb up. However, I am getting closer and closer to the goal overall.
換句話說,一時背對目標,不需要大驚小怪。一時向下滑落,不需要哭天搶地。需要繞道卻不繞道,只會停滯。不可硬闖卻硬闖,只會損傷。 In other words, I do not have to yell in fright when sometimes back on to the target. I do not have to cry in despair when sometimes slide down. Refusing a necessary detour will cause a standstill. A reckless dash will cause damage.
這種思維在政治議題上尤其有益,也因其抽象性而難以體現。 This kind of thinking is especially beneficial to political issues, but it is difficult for people to understand it because political issues are too abstract for them.


Functions of Metalayers

對於未然與已然、或然與必然、應然與實然、其然與所然、及渾然與了然,各後設層乃收納各然,以免混淆。 For expectation and completion, possibility and certainty, idea and practice, effect and cause, and ambiguity and clarity, respective metalayers are used to contain respective concepts, so as to avoid misconception.