不遊走於技術之邊緣,則無以創新。惟俗人憂其不現實。 | Only do we play around the edge of technologies can we make some innovation. But mediocrities worry about the unreality. |
不遊走於法律之邊緣,則無以革新。惟俗人憂其不道德。 | Only do we play around the edge of laws can we make some reformation. But mediocrities worry about the immorality. |
但遊走於邊緣之天才,與墜毀於谷底之蠢材,雖一線之隔,不可同日而語。 | However, we shall not confuse geniuses who play around the edge and fools who crash into the valley even if there is a fine line between them. |