Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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Criticizing a Slippery Slope Also Falling into a Slippery Slope

誇大之推論,看似極度不可能,難保絕對不發生。指摘該種推論為滑坡謬誤,無異於誇大該種推論之不可能,本身亦觸犯滑坡謬誤。 An exaggerated reasoning seems to be extremely impossible, but no one can guarantee that it will never happen. Criticizing such reasoning as a slippery slope is no more than exaggerating the impossibility of such reasoning, and also falls into a slipper slope.
是故,滑坡謬誤只可觀察,不可指謫。 Thus, a slippery slope is observable, not criticizable.


Thoughts Also Being Phenomena

人們總會有千奇百怪的想法。某些想法是不可理喻的,特別是喜好。 People always have strange thoughts, and some of the thoughts, especially about people's likes and dislikes, are incomprehensible.
我開始習慣不探索這些想法的成因了。我將它們當成是「現象」,同時,也以面對「現象」的方式處理它們。如此就不會深陷苦惱而無法自拔。 I get used to stop discovering the causes of the thoughts. I just regard them as "phenomena", and treat them as "phenomena", so I will not puzzle over them.
其實,我試圖體現《金剛經》。 In fact, I just try to realize the object of Diamond Sutra.


The Differentiated Treatment for Hidden Meaning in One's Words

無利害關係之人,倘無言外之意,毋庸腦補;縱有言外之意,亦可風逝,以求耳空心清。蓋所言之意已無所謂,何況言外之意矣。 Facing a non-interested person, if he has no hidden meaning in his words, we shall not presume it; even if he has a hidden meaning in his words, we may also let it go, so that we can keep peace and quiet. In fact, even his word is not considerable, not to mention a hidden meaning in his word.


Regretful Perfection

不完美之事物,以完美之觀點觀之,無何完美可得而見。 If people observe an imperfect thing in a perfect respect, they will not find any perfection from the thing, of course.
完美之事物,以不完美之觀點觀之,雖欲完美而不可得。 If people observe a perfect thing in an imperfect respect, they will not appreciate the thing for its perfection.
不完美之事物,以不完美之觀點觀之,更甚破爛。 If people observe an imperfect thing in an imperfect respect, they will assume that the thing has more defects than it does.
乃完美之事物,須以完美之觀點觀之,其完美始無缺憾。而此不可得也。 It shows that, only if people observe a perfect thing in a perfect respect will they admit the thing to be perfect. However, it is impossible for everyone to do so.
故事物以無限臻於完美為願。 Therefore, I only wish a thing will approach to perfection as close as possible.