Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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My Political Position

當權者乃是使用者,而國家乃是機器。 The authority is the user, and the country is the machine.
固然,好的使用者會藉機器增益,而壞的使用者會將機器搞砸,所以提到政治,一般人直覺上就是選擇一個好的使用者。 Of course, a good user will make profits by the machine, and a bad user will shut down the machine, as a result, common people intuitively think of choosing a good user for politics.
不過,每當準備更換使用者時,大家就心驚膽戰,因為不確定誰好誰壞。 However, whenever it is going to change the user, everyone becomes under a big pressure, because they cannot certainly tell good from bad.
所幸近來智慧型機器問世,並推陳出新。這些智慧型機器很有智慧地輔助使用者的操作,使得再壞的使用者不至於將它搞砸。 Fortunately, recently some smart machines come out, and keep renewing. These smart machines smartly help the users for operation, such that even the worst user will not shut down it.
智慧型機器若持續發展,或許有朝一日,不再需要使用者的操作,而會自律永動。 If the smart machines continue growing up, one day, they will need no user for operation, and will work automatically and in perpetual motion.
又最前開機器之智慧,將來自於化為其中一部分之我等眾前輩。 Furthermore, the top foresaid machine will have it intelligence from us, the pioneers, who will have become parts of the machine.
