我的價值觀呈現為一張三維地圖。地圖的最高峰即是最理想的價值目標。 |
My values are presented as a three-dimensional model. The highest peak of the model is the most ideal value goal. |
然而,通往最高峰的路徑不見得是直線。遇到峭壁時,我知道必須繞道。遇到懸崖時,我知道不可硬闖。因此,我不見得每個時刻都面對目標,也不見得每個時刻都向上爬升。但是,整體而言,我距離目標愈來愈近。 |
However, the path to the highest peak is not necessarily a straight line. I know that I have to detour when I see a cliff. I know that I cannot dash through it when I see a valley. Accordingly, neither do I always face the goal, nor do I always climb up. However, I am getting closer and closer to the goal overall. |
換句話說,一時背對目標,不需要大驚小怪。一時向下滑落,不需要哭天搶地。需要繞道卻不繞道,只會停滯。不可硬闖卻硬闖,只會損傷。 |
In other words, I do not have to yell in fright when sometimes back on to the target. I do not have to cry in despair when sometimes slide down. Refusing a necessary detour will cause a standstill. A reckless dash will cause damage. |
這種思維在政治議題上尤其有益,也因其抽象性而難以體現。 |
This kind of thinking is especially beneficial to political issues, but it is difficult for people to understand it because political issues are too abstract for them. |