若將水全給大象,則小鼠會渴死;若將水均分給大象和小鼠,則大象會渴死;若水就這麼多,則兩者遲早都會渴死。 | If the water is all distributed to the elephant, the mouse will be parched; if the water is equally distributed to the elephant and the mouse, the elephant will be parched, if the water is limited, the two will eventually be parched. |
由此可見,資源分配極不平等,會扼殺多元性;資源分配極平等,亦會扼殺多元性。因此,資源分配,以恰可維持多元性為準;若有剩餘,以可良性循環者為先。 | It is noted that, extremely unequal resource distribution kills the diversity, and extremely equal resource distribution also kills the diversity. Hence, the resource shall be distributed in the way that the diversity is exactly preserved; if there is remnant, one who brings a virtuous circle deserves the priority. |
資源,係指事實上資源及法律上資源而言。 | Resources are referred to factual resources and legal resources. |
Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses
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The Principle of Resource Distribution
Reformation of Mandatory Death Penalty
唯一死刑,係指對於特定重罪,法院僅得判處死刑而言。 | The mandatory death penalty means a court decision setting where judicial discretion is limited to death penalty. |
對於唯一死刑,大法官解釋釋字第二六三號認為:「不分犯罪之情況及其結果如何,概以死刑為法定刑,立法甚嚴,有導致情法失平之虞,宜在立法上兼顧人民權利及刑事政策妥為檢討。」 | Regarding the mandatory death penalty, Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 263 states that, "imposing a mandatory death penalty on those who commit such crimes regardless of their details and results is indeed very rigorous, and may create an imbalance between the legal system and the people's sense of justice." |
為此,應廢除「唯一」死刑,轉而提供「多元」死刑,諸如槍決、注射或煤氣等人道死刑,以供法院依個案情況裁量選擇,俾保障人權、促進法治。 | Accordingly, the mandatory death penalty shall be abolished, and there shall be provided with various death penalties by humanitarian methods such as shooting, lethal injection or coal gas chamber, for the court to choose therefrom based on the discretion in a specific case, in order to protect the human rights and promote the rule of law. |
The Logical Impossibility of Anti-Discrimination
邏輯上,反歧視不許歧視者行歧視,致扭曲其本性,自亦不失為歧視,故反歧視不過以更強之歧視凌駕於上而已。 | Anti-discrimination forbids a discriminator to conduct discrimination. However, logically, in view of distorting the nature the discriminator, anti-discrimination itself is also a kind of discrimination. In such aspect, anti-discrimination is just placing a kind of stronger discrimination over other discrimination. |
可見消除歧視,必須自發,如強求他人,則歧視不滅。 | Therefore, discrimination can only be eliminated spontaneously, and cannot be eliminated by compulsion. |
又,反歧視之邏輯上不可能,與反歧視之現實上必要性,誠屬二事。 | It is noted that, the logical impossibility of anti-discrimination does not deny the realistic necessity of anti-discrimination. |
The Decision Priority
事理,以形式邏輯為斷;涉及事實者,以相當因果關係為斷;當事人得處分之事項,以其主觀為斷;其餘始得以民意為斷。 | A decision shall be made based on formal logic; where it involves a factual issue, it shall be made based on sufficient causality; where it belongs to a purely private affair, it shall be made based on personal choice; only in the remaining situations, it may be made based on public opinion. |
The Animation Your Name is Explained by the Hypothesis of Rewriting a Single Spacetime
主文: 《你的名字》採單一時空改寫說解讀之。 |
Main text: The animation Your Name is explained by the hypothesis of rewriting a single spacetime. |
按等者等之,不等者不等之之平等原則,故事既不平等於現實而超自然穿越,如特意平等於現實而不容許超自然歷史改寫,以至於求諸平行時空干涉說,其邏輯即不一貫。 | According to the Principles of Equality, where equal ones shall be treated equally, and unequal ones shall be treated unequally, since the story has been created unequally to the reality in view of its supernatural time travel, if we disagree that supernaturally rewriting of history may occur in the story, and turn to the hypothesis of interfering between parallel spacetimes on purpose to treat the story equally to the reality, our logic becomes inconsecutive. |
次觀諸作者既恩賜觀眾以圓滿結局,如故事採平行時空干涉說解讀之,則其邂逅之人即非同一,兩人無異於離異而不圓滿,故按體系解釋,兩人應終究存在於單一時空,因時空改寫而圓滿。 | Moreover, in that the writer has favored the audience with a happy ending, if the story is explained by the hypothesis of interfering between parallel spacetimes, the two characters will not encounter each other in the future as encountered in the past, which means a sad separation. Thus, in consideration of the original intention of the writer, the two characters shall stay all along a single spacetime, and they end up with a happy ending by rewriting the spacetime. |
爰決議如主文。 | In conclusion, the resolution is made as in the main text. |
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