Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Dilemma of Showing Off

炫耀財富者,人以為勢利;其不炫耀者,則人以為寒酸。 If we show off our property, people think us snobbish, but if we do not do it, people think us poor.
炫耀知識者,人以為造作;其不炫耀者,則人以為愚痴。 If we show off our knowledge, people think us pedantic, but if we do not do it, people think us ignorant.
炫耀容貌者,人以為膚淺;其不炫耀者,則人以為平庸。 If we show off our looks, people think us shallow, but if we do not do it, people think us vulgar.
炫耀遊歷者,人以為閒蕩;其不炫耀者,則人以為孤僻。 If we show off our trips, people think us idle, but if we do not do it, people think us solitary.
此炫耀之兩難也,蓋皆不過一己之私。 These dilemmas of showing off are here, since these behaviors are our own affairs.
如將財富,分享於人;如使知識,流布於人;如藉容貌,問候於人;如以遊歷,熱絡於人,則寡眾盡歡,有褒而無貶也。 If we share our property with others, if we propagate our knowledge to others, if we encourage others by our looks, or if we invite others into our trips, everyone shall be happy, and shall not criticize but appraise these behaviors.
