Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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The Dilemma of Showing Off

炫耀財富者,人以為勢利;其不炫耀者,則人以為寒酸。 If we show off our property, people think us snobbish, but if we do not do it, people think us poor.
炫耀知識者,人以為造作;其不炫耀者,則人以為愚痴。 If we show off our knowledge, people think us pedantic, but if we do not do it, people think us ignorant.
炫耀容貌者,人以為膚淺;其不炫耀者,則人以為平庸。 If we show off our looks, people think us shallow, but if we do not do it, people think us vulgar.
炫耀遊歷者,人以為閒蕩;其不炫耀者,則人以為孤僻。 If we show off our trips, people think us idle, but if we do not do it, people think us solitary.
此炫耀之兩難也,蓋皆不過一己之私。 These dilemmas of showing off are here, since these behaviors are our own affairs.
如將財富,分享於人;如使知識,流布於人;如藉容貌,問候於人;如以遊歷,熱絡於人,則寡眾盡歡,有褒而無貶也。 If we share our property with others, if we propagate our knowledge to others, if we encourage others by our looks, or if we invite others into our trips, everyone shall be happy, and shall not criticize but appraise these behaviors.


The Solitude of the Earth

令他地球處無數光年,惟傾人力所不能及,祇是兩相遙望,莫非悵然。且他地球於光景及此之時,復經無數年紀,如今影像,不過從前,所以已見之友,必已去焉;未見之友,未必無焉,是吾友之不契,唏噓之落落。 Even if there is another earth at a place several light-years away, since we cannot meet with it by human effort, we can only look at each other distantly, and this makes us depressed. Moreover, the other earth, when its light arrives here, must have gone through several ages, and its scene we see now is its past scene, thus, if we see a friend there, he must have left; if we do not see a friend there, there must not have been none, and this makes us sigh, for we keep missing each other, again and again.


Persistence Disabled

人在物去只無奈, As the people are here, while the things have left, I feel tired.
物在人去更感慨, As the things are here, while the people have left, I feel bored.
人且不在物且去, As the people have not been here, as well as the things have left,
始覺當下空餘白。 I begin to be aware the presence remains nothing but empty.


Worldly Existence

意志不表示於世界者,不存在於世界。 A will not expressed to the world does not exist in the world.
意志至自我消滅時仍不及表示於世界者,即生世界上不存在性確定力。 A will not expressed to the world even until the self's vanishment results in a prejudicial effect of its worldly non-existence.
物理上存在者,仍因不確定表示,而不確定存在於世界。 A physical existence still uncertainly exists in the world if it does not certainly express itself.


Shall We Discuss the Possibility of Repentance before Sentencing a Capital Punishment?

社會依民意設立刑罰,無非為社會之續存。人因社會化不完全而犯法,致入罪服刑,雖甚憐憫之,僅得依法減免之,否則社會勢必動盪。是社會之自決,有所犧牲,不得已也。 The society has established the criminal punishment according to the public will on purpose of society's sustainability. We feel sorry for an incompletely socialized person committing criminal, being sentenced guilty and thus being punished, but we may only reduce or remit his punishment according to the laws, otherwise, the society will be in chaos. Within the society's decision, we cannot help but make a sacrifice.
刑罰除有教化之功能外,尚有應報之效果,故教化之可否與應報之應否,應併予審酌。倘應報之應然已趨於無限,再論究教化之可能,實屬多餘。 The criminal punishment has not only the function of repentance but also the effect of retribution, so we shall consider both the possibility of repentance and the necessity of retribution before sentencing a criminal punishment. However, if the necessity of retribution approaches to infinity, it becomes superfluous to discuss the possibility of repentance.
被告殺害[1]恩人、陌生人,已經確證[2]者,應受無限之應報,無庸論究其教化之可能,即得判處死刑。至於被告受被害人身體上或精神上凌虐,進而起意殺害之者,其應報之應然既為有限,則其教化之可能,即有論究之必要。 A defendant clearly proved[2] killing[1] his benefactor or a stranger shall deserve infinite retribution, so we may sentence him to a capital punishment without discussing the possibility of his repentance. While in the case of a defendant suffering physical or mental abuse from the victim and thus killing the victim on purpose, since the necessity of his retribution is finite, it becomes necessary to discuss the possibility of his repentance.


[1] 過失致死,不在此限。 It does not include negligently causing death.
[2] 尤應注意「確」字。 Notice the word "clearly".


The Prestige of Profession

專業之認定,依法律;無法律者,依習慣。但政治之運作[1],無專業可言。 A profession affair shall be certified by laws; if there is no law, by customs. But the works of politics[1] cannot be professional.
質疑專業,應具名並附具理由,始得為之。 A person shall show his name and give a reason when he doubts a professional affair.
  1. 質疑人為該種專業人員者,其意見。
  2. 質疑人諮詢該種專業人員者,該專業人員之姓名及意見。
  3. 質疑人查詢該種專業文獻者,該專業文獻之資訊及引文或引文標示。
The reason in the preceding paragraph shall include one of the following items:
  1. For the doubter being a professional in regard to the affair, his opinion.
  2. For the doubter having sought advice from a professional in regard to the affair, the professional's name and opinion.
  3. For the doubter having searched a guide from a document in regard to the affair, the document's information, and the quoted passage or the indication of the quoted passage.
質疑違反第二項規定者,視為[2]誣疑;其意見,視為無理由。但擬制之效力,於瑕疵補正時解除之。 A doubt violating the prescription in the second paragraph shall be deemed[2] a false doubt; the opinion in the doubt shall be deemed meritless. But the effects of the deems shall be rescinded when the defects are corrected.
專業受誣疑人介入者,即非專業,其致生損害時,專業人員視為無過失。 A professional affair interfering by a false doubter becomes an unprofessional affair, and when it causes damages, the professional shall be deemed not of negligence.


[1] 政治之研究,尤有專業可言。 The researches of politics can still be professional.
[2] 視為,不得推翻。 A deem is an irrebuttable presumption.