[The Definition of Will]
意志係函數,且隨時變化。 |
A will is a function, and is time-variant. |
[The Subjective Boundary and the Objective Boundary of Will Effect]
意志之定義域及值域,隨時變化。 |
The domain and the range of a will are time-variant. |
[Non-free Will (1) —Lacking of Will Ability]
系統,其因自回饋而在特定時間不能特定其變數者,在上開時間既非意志,當然不認為自由意志。 |
A system of which the variable cannot be specified at a certain time due to its self-feedback is not deemed a free will at said time because it is not even a will. |
[Non-free Will (2) —Non-freedom of Will Effect]
A will of which the domain and the range are limited is not deemed a free will because it is not free. |