Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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How to Deal with a Psychotic Killer

我國《刑法》明文規定:「行為時因精神障礙或其他心智缺陷,致不能辨識其行為違法或欠缺依其辨識而行為之能力者,不罰。」因此,殺人的精神病患是無罪的。 The Criminal Code prescribes that, "it is guiltless for a person who is unable to recognize his behavior to be illegal or lacks ability to behave according to his recognition, due to mental disorder or other mental defects during his behavior." Hence, a psychotic killer is guiltless.
然而,病情嚴重到會殺人的精神病患,還算是人嗎?如果他還算是人,他就應該負起人的責任;如果他已經不算是人,他就是產物。 However, shall a psychotic killer being so serious that he kills people be deemed a person? If he shall be deemed a person, he shall take the responsibility as a person; while if he shall not be deemed a person, he shall be deemed a product.
人們對危險到會殺人的產物,總會先嘗試修復它;無法修復它的話,只好毀棄它,以免它再度殺人。這是理所當然的。ˊ Dealing with a product being so dangerous that it kills people, we always try to repair it at first, but if we cannot repair it, we cannot help but destroy it, to avoid it from killing people again. This is reasonable.
殺人的精神病患,經過治療出院後,再度殺人的話,顯然證明它無法被修復,因此,它應該被毀棄。 If a psychotic killer treated kills people again after leaving the hospital, it proves it is irreparable, and it shall be destroyed.
而我們毀棄殺人的精神病患的方法,並非將它處死,只是剝奪它的生命。兩者的差別,可參考〈死刑(其之二) By the way, the method to destroy a psychotic killer is not a capital punishment, but a deprival of its life. Check The Capital Pushement (Part2) to see the difference between the two.
