Chinese: 吳爾軒的後設猜想
English: Narvis the Cloud's Metahypotheses
Japanese: ナルビスのメタ予想
Latin: Narvis Nubes Metahypotheses

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A Method to Evaluate One's Personality

Ps/(Pt-Pi) [2];
Economic[1] Evaluation Index of Personality, Pe, is with a dominant term,
Ps/(Pt-Pi) [2],
wherein Pt means the resource one possesses, Pi means the resource for human[3] to survive, and Ps means the resource one share with the society.
高雄的阿嬤莊朱玉女女士,天天販賣10元便當給窮苦之人長達55年,甚至因此變賣7間房屋補貼菜錢。 Grandma Chuang Chu, Yu-Nu from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, had sold 10-dollar meals to poor people everyday for more than 55 years, and she had sold 7 houses for food funds therefor.
新竹的獨居老榮民胡壽宏先生捐出畢生積蓄價值500萬元的股票,認養遺孤,照顧貧童。 Grandpa Hu, Shou-Tao from Hsinchu, Taiwan, donated all his savings, 5 million Taiwan dollars, to adopt orphans, taking care of poor children.
台東的阿嬤陳樹菊女士,從事賣菜的小本生意,捐助學校高達550萬元,並定期捐款給孤兒院。 Grandma Chen, Shu-Chu form Taitung, Taiwan, is just a vegetable vendor, but she has donated more than 5.5 million Taiwan dollars to a school, and she keeps donating to an orphanage periodically.
這些愛心,無不令人動容,真正受人讚賞、紀念。 Their loves are touching, adorable and memorable.
個人的資本、產業、職位、名望、學歷、證照等,若用於圖一己之利,只是順從動物的本能,不足以彰顯人文的可貴,並無傲人之處,亦無可取之處。 For one who seeks his own profit based on his capital, property, authority, fame, certificates or licenses, he has nothing honorable and desirable, for he just obeys the animal nature, and wears down the humane value.
有錢出錢,有力出力,誰將自己的長才分享給社會,我們都肯定他、感謝他。 One who has money may contribute some money, and one who has strength may contribute some strength. We shall admire and appreciate who shares his talent with the society.


[1] 一人之人格,除經濟上評價外,尚有文化上評價。一人之人格之文化上評價,係基於此人促進文化多元性之程度。 We evaluate one's personality not only economically but also culturally. One's cultural evaluation of personality is based on his enhancement in the cultural variety.
[2] 顯然,Pt-Pi恆非負數。 Trivially, Pt-Pi is non-negative.
[3] 此處謂「人類」,不謂「個人」,是因為個人慾望之種類、多寡不同,無客觀之基準。 Here we say "human", not "one", because everyone has different kinds and levels of desires, we cannot make an objective standard among them.
